Sunday, April 24, 2011

This'n'That; April Twenty-Fourth #1; A Chicago 'Fit'

Brizard To Chicago Schools
    This guy should fit right in with the 'gangster mentality' of the City of Chicago; "mediocre" is acceptable so long as the student tried his or her best!  Who determines 'best?!?'
    Jean Claude Brizard has been the superintendent of the Rochester (N.Y.) City School District (RCSD) for a bit more than three years; prior to that-an administrator for 100+ NYC schools; prior to that-a teacher with NYC's primary jail, Riker's Island.  With Mr Brizard's "Riker's" experience, he should have been well suited for duty at RCSD-alas, no!  Seems Rochester's thugs measure up well to the Riker's Island population.
    At last report, Mr Brizard got a whoppin' $223,600 to manage a failure!!  Prior  to his arrival, the RCSD 2007 graduation rate was 51%.  After six-months on the job brought the 2008 RCSD graduation to 48%; in 2009 a more dismal 42% and on-and-on.  The 'Brizard Era' is rife with financial, pay standards and curriculum inequities; pay raises up to 37%-based on what? A part-time, special assistant to the superintendent for $100,000; part-time? To do what?  ONLY five-percent of graduates ready for college?  That's just five out of one-hundred graduates, the lowest of New York's major cities!! [Rochester-5%; Syracuse-14%; Buffalo-15%; NYC-22%]

    Former mayor and current Lt Governor, Bob Duffy, tried for several years to bring the RCSD under the domain of the mayor, much like the New York City schools (which are under the administration of Mayor Bloomberg).  It never happened.  I'm sure he gave it his best shot; Mr Duffy is a man not used to being defied.  He rose through the ranks of the Rochester Police Department, from patrolman to chief.  We'll never know how good a Duffy school administration may have been; how bad a Brizard school administration would have become!?!
    He ain't our problem now!!  Rahm Emmanuel, former 'Chief of Thugs' for the owe-bama regime has finally done something positive for the citizenry-he removed our trash to become his head thug!!  Rahmmie baby, you're welcome to him!!
Til Nex'Time....



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