Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; May 28th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 05/28/2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
[I thought long-and-hard (with my usual 'laser-like' concentration) about having 'plug' biden do this week's edition of the blather.  We all know how frequently he 'steps on his tongue' while addressing the public!  Hopefully he's at least as adept at reading the teleprompter as I am.  'plug' had better stick to the script or we'll all be chastised by those really in charge:  George Soros and Valarie Jarrett!!]
    Hello, everyone. I hope you’re having a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. I’ve got some good news for us today. Not only is our economy overall growing, but one of the important sectors of our economy is on the rise again: the American automobile industry.   Just a few days ago, on Tuesday, Chrysler Corporation announced that they were repaying the taxpayers for the loans we gave them when we came into office.   And this announcement came six years ahead of schedule – and just two years after Chrysler Corporation emerged from bankruptcy. You know, and it’s a sign of what’s happening throughout the American automobile industry.  It’s not just Chrysler. Also this week, GM announced that its Detroit Hamtramck factory will run three shifts for the first time its 26-year history. You know, that’s 2,500 more good, paying jobs.   In the words of Don LaForest, of the UAW – and I want to quote him – he said, “It’s mind-boggling that we can go from near-extinction to full employment in two years.”  What you didn’t get to hear in my rendition of his quote is the tone of his voice: It was full of pride. Genuine pride. Because I can tell you he knows – as my dad used to say - that a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity. It’s about respect.  And I heard the same pride, and the same feeling of dignity, when I called the Jefferson North Chrysler plant in Detroit the day Chrysler paid back its debt. I talked to a UAW worker – her name was Frances – a line worker, who said her dad had worked on that line before, and that she had been out of work for two-and-a-half years before she was hired a year ago back to the plant.  I got the same sense when I went to Bonneville and Son, a Chrysler dealership in Manchester, New Hampshire a couple days ago. 85 employees came out, stood out there in the lot with me. 85 people. All of whom knew and said, had Chrysler liquidated, had we not helped them, they wouldn’t have a job. 
[What I actually ment, as explained to 'plug' biden: This early repayment of Chrysler's debt to me seems reminiscent of those dam' republicRATs!  With the current financial deals with Chrysler, the federal government actually bought a large percentage of the ownership in the company.  In the Iococca Era, the government merely guaranteed private loans made by private financial institutions.  In this 'owe-bama bailout era,' we actually sent most of the funds to the UAW management and hoped they'd put at least part of the funds into restructuring the auto company.  In the Iococca Era, the funds went to the Chrysler management to be dispersed as they saw fit-very little went to the UAW, other than negotiated wage and benefits.  In the 1079 deal, the company had more control than the auto workers' union; totally unlike today where we have to reward the union for their support--monetary, voting 'suggestions,' voter fraud and 'enforcer thuggery!!'  In this 'owe-bama bailout era' the purchase of Chrysler was not much more than putting 'lipstick on a pig!'  It was for public consumption while privately, a vehicle for cash rewards to the auto union, the SEIU as well as the 'New Black Panthers.']
    When President Obama and I came into office, we faced an auto industry on the brink of extinction. Total collapse.  At the time, many people thought the President should just let GM and Chrysler go under. They didn’t think the automobile industry was essential to America’s future.  The President disagreed – and, in addition, he wasn’t willing to walk away from the thousands of hardworking UAW members who worked at GM and Chrysler – and in many cases, not only all their lives, but as second and third generation employees. And he certainly wasn’t going to abandon an industry that had meant so much to our economy, and so much to so many for so long.  So, he said if GM and Chrysler, and their management, and all their shareholders were willing to do the difficult work of making themselves more competitive, we would support giving them another chance.   And because of what we did, the auto industry is rising again. Manufacturing is coming back. And our economy is recovering and it’s gaining traction.  But the thing is this: even for a lot of people with jobs, their wages aren’t keeping pace with prices of everything from gas to groceries to health care and college tuition.
[What I actually ment, as explained to 'plug' biden:  Many of the public thought the 'auto company bailouts' were just that: to benefit the companies' business structures!  Ha!  Not so!  The new Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama (SJo) regime had to develop a method to reward and repay all--not just the auto--unions for their support: millions of dollars in illegal/quasi-legal campaign contributions; 'guiding' the memberships' voting; the use of their 'enforcers' in the on-going voter fraud at most polls.  With the complete lack of accountability, the PORKulus bailouts became the perfect vehicle for the many rewards owed by the SJo regime.  In a 'real-world' scenario, the auto companies should have been allowed to go into bankruptcy.  This would have forced each company to develop a working business model rather than continuing the "same-old; same-old," which had allowed each company become so top-heavy as to be unmanageable; a hot-bed of managerial cronyism!  Had this been allowed, the companies would have emerged as 'lean-mean-manufacturing-machines;' without the UAW's stranglehold on companies' management and purse-strings.]
    That’s why the President and I remain focused on, not just recovering from this recession. We’re focused on making sure that if you work hard, play by the rules, you’ll be able to get ahead, put your kids through college, retire with dignity and security.  Before I sign off, I just want to mention once again Memorial Day and remember what this holiday’s all about. You know – we still have thousands of troops deployed in harm’s way. In days past, on Memorial Day, we remembered heroes from former wars – but I think it’s absolutely essential that we all remember today that thousands of names have been added to those memorials in the wars that are still continuing.  Folks, all I ask you to do is, what my wife Jill and Michelle Obama ask, to reach out to those families who have someone deployed, in your community. Let them know you know. Let them know you know the sacrifice they’re making. Engage in – as my wife would say – a single act of kindness.  Maybe invite them to your barbecue this weekend. Mow their lawn. Offer to mow their lawn next week. Make it known that you appreciate their sacrifice and you’re willing to lend a hand.  As I said, that’s what Jill and Michelle Obama are doing through their Joining Forces initiative. And that’s what I hope all of us will do every day as long as we have a man or woman deployed in harm’s way. Thank you for listening and enjoy the holiday.
[What I actually ment, as explained to 'plug' biden:  That "play-by-the-rules" thingie..?!?  Have you heard a more agregious oxymoron?!?  When the purchase of my election was complete, Soros and Jarrett met 'at an undisclosed location' to form the framework for our their regime.  The first point of agreement was that 'playing by the rules' would only be considered when it assured our their position would be advanced, otherwise the phrase would remain just that: a phrase!  As for the military men and women serving today:  While I make an outward appearance of caring about them and their families-it's just a front, a means-to-an-end!  If I really cared, would I have (retiring) Defense Secretary Robert Gates doing the 'heavy lifting' in promoting pay-and-benefit cuts for the active-duty and retired military and their families (see tomorrow's "Sunday Report")?!?  Hopefully this will keep the SJo regime out of the 'line of fire!!'  Aw, come-ON, people!!  Look at it from the socio-fascist point of view:  The military should be nothing more than figureheads; a 'marching band' of sorts.  In the upcoming one-world government, most military structures--worldwide--will be disbanded anyway.  We They will only keep a very centralized, tightly controlled military unit for enforcement duties.  As for myself--the 'figurehead' president--things will be slightly different:  After my first, last and only term, I'll retire with a 100% pension at the grand old age of 51!  So, if I live to--say--90 years old, I will have been retired for 39 years.  During that time--if the United States still exists as we know it--I will have been given $15,600,000!!  Not too shabby for being just a figurehead, right?!?  And.... if I need more "walkin' around" money, I'll just have Billy Ayers write a coupla more books in my name!!  Ain't bein'  a socio-fascist, grand?!?]



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