Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This'n'That; May Fourth #1; Headlines

[Blogspot has this so screwed up even 'the author' can't sort it out!! For the same entry, go to!!]
Are ALL National Pamphleteers For owe-bama?
    Despite the current polls showing him to be the most incompetent potentate ever, the national pamphleteers are still 'in the tank' for "Clown Prince" owe-bama!  For reference, check out these two headlines:
    This headline is from the 'USA Weekend' delivered with Gannett Sunday papers;  the article is about Mr Cornell MccClellan--a personal fitness trainer--who flies from Chicago to the District of Corruption to work with owe-bama several times a week.  In this time of economic turmoil; of high unemployment; of fascist over-regulation, do you enjoy funding these almost daily trips?!?  I contend that the headline is correct, while the subject is wrong:  the subject of the article should have been Donald Trump!  You remember him:  the guy who did in three weeks, what the rest of the nation couldn't do in 2-1/2 YEARS!
The man who makes owe-bama sweat

....and this headline from the weekly, print edition of Barron's:     The weekly Barron's--if you don't know--is a financial newspaper, at times with cogent commentary on current affairs.   The aforementioned article is a piece about owe-bama and Representative Paul Ryan have to 'play nice, together,'  and work on a compromise of the forthcoming budget.  I say "not no, but HELL NO!!"  Cut hard!! Cut deep!!  Particularly in the 'fascist cash give-away' programs.  This non-discretionary--welfare--spending has done far more than ANY OTHER EVENT in American history to undermine the minority family structure, be they American white-trash, or American negro, or African, or Mexican, or Central American, or South American!!

Til Nex'Time....



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