Friday, May 13, 2011

This'n'That; May Twelfth #1; If Ya Don't; Ya Aught'ta!

What'ta Heck Is "Imprimis?"
    If you've not heard of 'Imprimis,' you could be too liberal; you could be too progressive; you could be too owe-bamacRATic.  To start, consider these definitions of 'Imprimis:'
  • an adverb meaning in the first place; a contraction of the Latin phrase 'in primis, meaning 'among the first.'
  • a publication of Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan.
    It's not my place to blather on about this institution of higher learning, but I do admire their philosophy.  The college is--and hopefully, always will be--in total control of their 'destiny.'  They accept no federal funds, be they grants or other 'pork.'  They support their educational and political activities strictly by tuition and the generosity of alumni and benefactors!
    It is my place to blather on about their free publication, entitled 'Imprimis.'  The tome publishes selected, edited speeches of such notables as Jeb Bush, Ward Connerly, Dinesh D'Sousa, Milton Friedman, Jack Kemp, Irving Kristol, Rush Limbaugh, David McCullough, Richard John Neuhaus, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Clarence Thomas and Tom Wolfe, conservatives, all!
    The last issue we received (April, 2011), contained a well written, easily read speech by Ken Cuccinelli (Att'y General of Va), originally presented at Hillsdale's "Frst Principles on First Fridays," in Washington, D.C.  Mr Cuccinelli's speech dealty primarily with Virginia's lawsuits involving the EPA and owe-bamaKare.  Jus think.... you could have had a copy in your snail-mailbox just by going to Hillsdale's website ( and subscribing.  The subscription is well-worth the 30-second investment!
Til Nex'Time....



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