Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This'n'That; June Eighth #2; owe-bama Continues

owe-bama Contines The Regime's Lies!!
    "Clown Prince" owe-bama continues with what work during his past "Campaign of Fluff;" into his current "Tour d'Lies!!"  As reported in the Washington Times' Fact-Checker column, owe-bama is spreading these lies seemingly to view his lack of accomplishment through 'rose-colored glasses.'
    During a recent blather event, the "Clown Prince" lied about 'Chrysler repaid every dime ....during my presidency' (of the PORKulus funds);' that 'Chrysler would soon be 100% in private hands.'  Not So!!  Chrysler Corporation DID repay the $8.5 Billion in regime PORKulus funds.  Chrysler Corporation has yet to repay more than 30% of funds loaned by President Bush-43!  The taxpayers are still owed $1.5 Billion in pork repayments.  The ownership of Chrysler-contrary to the owe-bama lie--IS NOT privately held:   During the bailout process, Thug-Trumka's autoworkers union was granted a 46% ownership stake; the remaining 52% will soon be owned by Fiat SpA-the Italian auto holding company.
    The next owe-bama lie:  "GM intends to hire back all the workers laid off during the recession."  NOT SO!!  During the past five-years GM has reduced it's workforce by 68,000 souls!  The "Clown Prince" can only be referring to the 9,600 workers laid off during Q4, 2008.
    The next owe-bama lie:   Again, concerning the auto bailouts:  "We could have done what a lot of folks in Washington thought we should do--nothing." NOT SO!!  owe-bama is lying about (obfuscating) statements from Rep Boehner, Senator Shelby and Senator Kyl.  Mr Boehner is quoted as saying "The success of our auto industry is critical," while he questioned the Soros/Jarret/owe-bama approach.  The senators protested the use of Bush-43 bailout funds rather than using the bankruptcy process.  For those unknowledgeable, bankruptcy is not as dastardly as it sounds; the courts would have re-enforced the necessity of a workable business plan and a competent, experienced management force; the ccompanies involved would have continued to function.  
    Given the "Clown Prince's" liberties with the truth, how can anyone on the planet vote for this imcompetent, socio-fascist boob?!?  Even his voter-base of 'KoolAid drinkers' and welfareRATs is shrinking.  As I speak with folks on the street here in Rochester, N.Y., even our share of the 52% feeding from the government tit, are less-than-enamoured with owe-bama's performance:  He failed in his promise to increase their unearned benefits!! 
The owe-bamacRATs and regime members are trying to convince us the "Clown Prince" is unbeatable in the upcoming election? Ha-NOT with this record!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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