Press Conference by the "Clown Prince"
East Room of
barackingham Palace
June 29, 2011
The "Clown Prince:" Good morning, everybody. Have a seat, please. I just want to say a few words about the economy before I take your questions. There are a lot of folks out there who are still struggling with the effects of the recession. Many people are still looking for work or looking for a job that pays more. Families are wondering how they'd deal with a broken refrigerator or a busted transmission, or how they're going to finance their kids' college education, and they're also worrying about the possibility of layoffs. The struggles of middle-class families were a big problem long before the recession hit in 2007. They weren’t created overnight, and the truth is our economic challenges are not going to be solved overnight. But there are more steps that we can take right now that would help businesses create jobs here in America.
[What I'm not telling you: All these folks looking for work; all these folks with broken refrigerators; all these folks with busted transmissions; all these folks trying to finance college educations; all these folks concerned about impending layoffs? In every case, their concerns are the direct result of two things: Either my inept inexperience or the intentional destructive forces demanded by George Soros and Valarie Jarrett! Not only are our economic challenges going to be solved overnight; they're the direct result of socialist, communist, fascist policies put into place by the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime.]
Today, our administration is trying to take those steps, so we're reviewing government regulations so that we can fix any rules in place that are an unnecessary burden on businesses. We’re working with the private sector to get small businesses and start-ups the financing they need to grow and expand. And because of the partnership that we’ve launched with businesses and community colleges, 500,000 workers will be able to receive the right skills and training for manufacturing jobs in companies all across America -- jobs that companies are looking to fill. In addition to the steps that my administration can take on our own, there are also things that Congress could do right now that will help create good jobs. Right now, Congress can send me a bill that would make it easier for entrepreneurs to patent a new product or idea –- because we can’t give innovators in other countries a big leg up when it comes to opening new businesses and creating new jobs. That's something Congress could do right now. Right now, Congress could send me a bill that puts construction workers back on the job rebuilding roads and bridges –- not by having government fund and pick every project, but by providing loans to private companies and states and local governments on the basis of merit and not politics. That's pending in Congress right now. Right now, Congress can advance a set of trade agreements that would allow American businesses to sell more of their goods and services to countries in Asia and South America -– agreements that would support tens of thousands of American jobs while helping those adversely affected by trade. That's pending before Congress right now. And right now, we could give middle-class families the security of knowing that the tax cut I signed in December will be there for one more year.
[What I'm not telling you: {That ....our administration.... thingie? I used to refer to the SJo Regime as "my administration." Recently I was severely admonished by my bosses--no silly, NOT the taxpayers--George Soros and Valarie Jarrett! He reminded me that I'm just a mouth-piece; the teleprompter reader; the public relations worker of the regime, NOTHING MORE!!!} The steps we've taken on our own, sofar are: demanded that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement NOT enforce any actions against illegal aliens; while the congress has recinded ethanol subsidies, I've demanded that the EPA requirements for both ethanol useage and fuel mileage requirements stay in force; I've "passed" the Dream Act with a stroke-of-a-pen, I issued an executive order to that effect; on-and-on!! Those 'construction workers back on the job rebuilding roads and bridges.....' the public impression is that the PORKulus bill was to do just that-where did that money go?!? Don't tell anybody: those funds mostly paid off several union hierarchies, faithful supporters, legal and illegal contributors. The congressional agreements to allow American companies to sell in Asia and South America? The support of those 'tens-of-thousands' of American jobs?!? That's just temporary, until the companies' are able to build/lease manufacturing facilities in those several Asian and South American countries. The tax-cut I signed in December, more accurately is nothing more than continuing the hated Bush-43 Era tax rates! The public has to remember, that action was totally out of character for me; as an "Alinsky Socialist" the very thought of anything remotely resembling a tax-cut goes against my learning!]
So there are a number of steps that my administration is taking, but there are also a number of steps that Congress could be taking right now on items that historically have had bipartisan support and that would help put more Americans back to work. Many of these ideas have been tied up in Congress for some time. But, as I said, all of them enjoy bipartisan support, and all of them would help grow the economy. So I urge Congress to act on these ideas now. Of course, one of the most important and urgent things we can do for the economy is something that both parties are working on right now –- and that’s reducing our nation’s deficit. Over the last few weeks, the Vice President has been leading negotiations with Democrats and Republicans on this issue, and they’ve made some real progress in narrowing down the differences. As of last week, both parties had identified more than $1 trillion worth of spending cuts already. But everyone also knows that we’ll need to do more to close the deficit. We can’t get to the $4 trillion in savings that we need by just cutting the 12 percent of the budget that pays for things like medical research and education funding and food inspectors and the weather service. And we can’t just do it by making seniors pay more for Medicare. So we’re going to need to look at the whole budget, as I said several months ago. And we’ve got to eliminate waste wherever we find it and make some tough decisions about worthy priorities. And that means trimming the defense budget, while still meeting our security needs. It means we’ll have to tackle entitlements, as long as we keep faith with seniors and children with disabilities by maintaining the fundamental security that Medicare and Medicaid provide. And, yes, we’re going to have to tackle spending in the tax code.
[What I'm not telling you: "Plug" biden heading up negotiations on deficit reduction?!? That's nothing more than a joke Soros is playing on Speaker Boehner and the rest of the republicRATs!! "Plug" in charge of anything is laughable! That '$1 trillion in spending cuts we've identified?' Those are cuts that are already planned for; are cuts far off into the future-they'll have no immediate effect on the the deficit or near-term budgets. The items I mentioned in fear-mongering: medical research, educational funding, food inspectors, weather forcasting; they're all better done in the private sector. We should eliminate them completely and they'd be immediately picked up by said private sector. Anyone who's read Rep Ryan's budget proposal knows Soros and Jarrett are just having me spew forth blatant lies about increasing seniors' Medicare expenses. Lies, if told enough will emulate the truth!!]
There’s been a lot of discussion about revenues and raising taxes in recent weeks, so I want to be clear about what we’re proposing here. I spent the last two years cutting taxes for ordinary Americans, and I want to extend those middle-class tax cuts. The tax cuts I’m proposing we get rid of are tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires; tax breaks for oil companies and hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners. It would be nice if we could keep every tax break there is, but we’ve got to make some tough choices here if we want to reduce our deficit. And if we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we’ve got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship. That means we’ve got to stop funding certain grants for medical research. That means that food safety may be compromised. That means that Medicare has to bear a greater part of the burden. Those are the choices we have to make.
So the bottom line is this: Any agreement to reduce our deficit is going to require tough decisions and balanced solutions. And before we ask our seniors to pay more for health care, before we cut our children’s education, before we sacrifice our commitment to the research and innovation that will help create more jobs in the economy, I think it’s only fair to ask an oil company or a corporate jet owner that has done so well to give up a tax break that no other business enjoys. I don’t think that’s real radical. I think the majority of Americans agree with that. So the good news is, because of the work that’s been done, I this we can actually bridge our differences. I think there is a conceptual framework that would allow us to make huge progress on our debt and deficit, and do so in a way that does not hurt our economy right here and right now. And it’s not often that Washington sees both parties agree on the scale and the urgency of the challenge at hand. Nobody wants to put the creditworthiness of the United States in jeopardy. Nobody wants to see the United States default. So we’ve got to seize this moment, and we have to seize it soon. The Vice President and I will continue these negotiations with both leaders of both parties in Congress for as long as it takes, and we will reach a deal that will require our government to live within its means and give our businesses confidence and get this economy moving.
[What I'm not telling you: Again, I'm pushing the lie about the evil Bush-43 Era tax rates being continued-as my tax cuts! Me--the benevolent dictator--giving you back some of your hard-earned money when in reality, I'm continuing the tax policy of that evil George Bush!! What will removing the tax breaks for those evil millionaires and billionaires, actually do? See, these men and women--with the exception of still-living Rockefellers and Kennedys; John Kerry who married his money!--actually earned their monies with good ideas and the work ethic and determined to put them into action, benefitting all mankind in most cases. Without these folks' money, companies wouldn't have been formed; those which have been formed, would be able to expand, to hire more workers, ship more products, etc! See, it's far more detrimental than advantageous to cut the breaks they enjoy. The corporate jets are more than a luxurious perk for the corporate hierarchies; they are--in most cases--an independent income stream, business entities unto themselves. When the corporations aren't in need of the aircraft, they rent them to others who need the convenience but can't justify the expense of purchase. The jets actually make money for their owners, thus more taxable income to be confiscated by the current tax policy!! Look at me: I have access to the greatest 'corporate jet' on the planet; a luxurious perk I abuse on a several-times-a-week basis!! How great is that?!? Those evil oil companies enjoy no more or no fewer tax breaks than the average company in business in America, today!! The average net profit margin for the energy sector is 9.7%, somewhat larger than the average of 8.5% for S and P 500 companies. Banks are at 23%; Google is at 25%. The huge numbers you see as oil company profits are nothing more than indicative of the vast amounts of money they just handle! I have already put the nation's credit worthiness into subterranian levels, approaching the coveted 'junk bond' status. With the Soros/Jarrett ultimate objective of total destruction of the U.S. economy, 'junk bond' status is a benefit!! Are you as sick of my nearly-constant demagoguery as I am?!?]
Thursday, June 30, 2011
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