Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This'n'That; June Twenty-First #3; Yup, We've Arrived!

[For an 'in order' view, see: http://www.justincase505.wordpress.com/]
Negating The 2010 Election
    The United States used to be a constitutional republic-no more!  The mandate of the 2010 mid-term elections indicated the voting majority wanted less federal spending, less federal control and a smaller federal government.  George Soros, Valarie Jarrett and their puppet "Clown Prince" owe-bama--in completely ignoring the those results--have charted a course into "dictatorship by executive order."
     I suspect John Podesta is a long-time 'mouth-piece' for George Soros.  Mr Soros is rumored to have provided the funding for the Podesta founded Center for American Progress to funnel his 'one-world' rhetoric to "Clown Prince" owe-bama.  Soros' funding of this--among his many, many other--fascist organization(s) is clearly pointed toward the destruction of The United States as we know it.  As a long time fascist in various roles within the federal government, Podesta--spouting the Soros Mantra--has suggested owe-bama ignore the will of the people; ignore the legislations of the elected Congress.  Though Podesta, Soros has suggested:
{*}Executive Orders: Using executive orders to formulate policy excludes any congressional oversight with respect to "the will of the people."
The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to make and implement policy.  These authorities can be used to insure positive progress on many of the key issues facing the country through:
  • {*}
  • Rule Making:  This has the same effect as the executive orders.
  • Agency Management:  Having the EPA create havoc by regulating several facets of American life that have already been disapproved by the voters; having the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) entertain lawsuits from labor unions when a company (Boeing) chooses a 'right-to-work' state when contemplating additional facilities; instructing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to relax enforcement of immigration requirements and deportation of illegal aliens.
  • Convening and creating public/private partnerships:  This has already been done with the PORKulus bill's funding payoffs to the labor unions for their support in buying 'barackingham Palace' for the "Clown Prince." 
  • Commanding the armed forces: Hitler first attained the German Chancellory by appointment which allowed him to  determine the course and mindset of the nation's military forces.  The Fuhrer then instituted various factions as the SS, the Waffen SS, the OKH (army hierarchy), the OKW (marine and navy hierarchy), the OKL (air force hierarchy), the HJ (Hitler youth-boys), the BDM (League of German Girls), et al.  Soros has already accomplished this through owe-bama's  uniformed youth as paid ACORN 'volunteers,' provided for by 'Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (GIVE).
  • Diplomacy: Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama (SJo) regime has already tried diplomacy to a certain degree with the "Campaign of Fluff's"  Hope and Change rhetoric.  The public--both owe-bamacRATs and KoolAid drinkers--has quickly seen through the line of bullshit!!  Even the national pamphleteers are becoming more and more disenchanted; not with owe-bama's "leading from the rear" but with owe-bama's "leading from the golf course!!" 
    So many of the regime's actions of the past two years can be defined as treasonous!  The Soros 'shadow cabinet' of czars must be dismantled and dismissed; most of the 'up-front' cabinet should be summarily fired as traitors to the Constitution!!
Til Nex'Time....



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