Friday, June 24, 2011

This'n'That; June Twenty-fourth #2; Piss-Ants

RepublicRATs Sabotage....?
    "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer--sadly, representing Wall St--and his buddy "Turbin" Dick Durbin are proving they're little more than the moral and ethical equilavents of political 'piss-ants!!'  In answer to their suggestion:  Yes, Chuckie and 'Turb,' the republicRATs are sabotaging your efforts in promoting yet another round of bailouts.  These republicRATs listen to, the majority of American voters and these voters have said time-and-again: Reduce Spending and No New Spending!!  This--you little 'piss-ants'--is what the republicRATs are sabotaging!
    With the "Clown Prince" and his equally incompetent owe-bamacRATs (read: Chuckie, 'Turb,' et al) the American voter was shown that the only thing the last PORKulus bailout was good for was pay-offs to the union hierarchy and the party's supporters and contributors.  Chuckie, why don't you and 'Turb' come up with a viable complaint before you spread your ignorance among the national pamphleteers?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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