Wha'Cha Can Find Out When....
....when you read--and not just look at--the various articles you might run across on the 'net. As is our norm upon getting up for the day, we dial in the webcast from WBZ; 1030AM; http://www.wbz.cbslocal.com/ (The Steve LeVeille Broadcast-midnight to 5AM, eastern), then on to Yahoo News.
One of the top stories on Yahoo for Wednesday, 06/29 happened to be "A Little House of Secrets on The Great Plains." I began reading--not just looking at--this fascinating article, not realizing the entities referred to there actually exist! Fascinating!! This article is about setting up shell and shelf companies in the State of Wyoming. A captivating article on legal, quasi-fraudulant business activity.{*} The main point I refer to is two organizations mentioned in the text: 'Transparency International' and 'Financial Action Network.'
{*}A shelf company is one created legally, left 'on the shelf' then sold to someone who wants to appear to have been in business for several years.
- 'Transparency International' is an organization which purports to combat corruption; promote transparency in governments and business; to investigate transgressions therein.
- 'The Financial Action Network' is an organization which purports to combat corruption; to development and promote national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
Til Nex'Time....
{**}What actions does your organization intend to take with respect to the systematic destruction of the U.S. government over the last two years; what action(s) does your organization contemplate with respect to the U.S. government's money-laundering scheme they've entitled "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?" Any investigations must include the "Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP)," essentially a pay-off for banks to buy and support Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae instruments, even though both programs were destined to lose money!
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