Monday, June 27, 2011

This'n'That; June Twenty-Seventh #1; What Next?

You Ain't Seen Nuttin' Yet!!
    Sir Walter Scott had it right when he proclaimed:  'Oh, what a tangled web we weave....!'  This 'tangled web' gets more convoluted as time goes on: 
  • George Soros--a former Nazi sympathizer and employee--selected suspected communist-Valarie Jarrett--who is of confirmed, admitted communist parentage--to be his confederate in selecting, electing and dominating the current president, "Clown Prince" owe-bama.
  • George Soros founded, funds and supervises Media Matters, a fascist, communist-based conservative-monitoring website (in the name of David Brock).
  • George Soros--by extension--also founded, funds and supervises a similar, parallel public policy stink-tank: The Center for American Progress (in the name of John Podesta). 
  • George Soros--through John Podesta--suggested that "Clown Prince" owe-bama rule by executive order' in those areas which the Congress failed to cooperate with his fascist, communist, socialist plans and programs.
See the convolution, here?!?  Mr Soros had plenty of reference material on 'ruling by executive order.'  Here are 'the numbers' in the following order: president; months in office; number of executive orders; per-month average.
  • owe-bama; 29 (thru 06/26/2011); 83; 2.862
  • G.W. Bush; 96; 290; 3.020
  • "Slick-Willie" Clinton; 96; 363;
  • G.H.W. Bush; 48; 165; 3.437
  • "Ronaldus-Magnus;" 96; 380; 3.958
  • Carter; 48; 319; 6.645
  • Ford; 18; 168; 9.333
  • Nixon; 67; 345; 5.149
  • Johnson; 62; 323; 5.209
  • Kennedy; 34; 213; 6.264
  • Eisenhower; 96; 481; 5.010
  • Truman; 93; 893; 9.602
  • Roosevelt; 145; 3,466; 23.903
  • Hoover; 48; 995; 20.729
For those who enjoy statistics: 
  • In the recent era (1929-current), there are 7 republicRATs and 7 democRATs/owe-bamacRATs
  • The republicRATs have a total of 2,824 executive orders; 469 months in office for an average of 6.0213219 executive orders per month of republicRAT governance.
  • The democRATs/owe-bamacRATs have a total of 5,660 executive orders; 652 months in office for an average of 8.6809815 executive orders per month of democRAT/owe-bamacRAT/Soros-Jarrett, governance.
  • The democRATs/owe-bamacRATs beat the republicRATs by 2.6596596 executive orders per month, on average!!
The latest in the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime's thwarting of the U.S. Constitution is implementing the defeated 'Dream Act;' thus--again--ruling by executive order.  For those who don't remember, the former 'Dream Act' provides conditional permanent residency to certain illegal and deportable alien students who:
  • Graduate from U.S. high schools;
  • Are of good moral character;
  • Arrived in the U.S. as legal or illegal minors;
  • Complete two years military service or college attendance.
Who'da thunk it?!?
Throwing another national election with the stroke of a pen!!
Til Nex'Time....



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