What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
64% Say Border Control Top Immigration Priority
Monday, June 20, 2011
Most voters continue to support a welcoming immigration policy but also believe that border control should be the nation’s top immigration priority. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 64% of Likely U.S. Voters feel that when it comes to immigration reform, gaining control of the border is [....]
The 10 Worst Jobs of 2011
By Andrew Strieber
From bad to worse: thanks to upheaval in the oil industry, Roustabout ranks as the Worst Job of 2011 – its second straight year in last place. Twelve-hour shifts, exposure to the elements in hostile environments, low pay, high risk of injury and isolation from loved ones for weeks at a time are just some of the factors that combine to make Roustabout the worst job of 2011. As the key providers of maintenance for oil rigs and pipelines, Roustabouts routinely [....]
..Upgrade Your Life: Wait, don’t upgrade
By Jared Spurbeck
Wed, Jun 22, 2011
.....New gadgets always seem better than the old ones, but sometimes it's best to stick with last year's model. In this week's episode of Upgrade Your Life, Yahoo! News' Becky Worley shows us some old gadgets to hold on to, and new stuff to hold off on!
Stand Alone GPS Navigators vs. GPS Smartphone Apps
Most modern smartphones have built-in maps and GPS units. But except for Android phones, those built-in apps don't give turn-by-turn audio directions, like those you may be used to from a dedicated GPS. You can buy apps that give turn by turn directions, but they tend to be expensive, and require up-front costs or monthly subscription fees. (Mapquest is a notable exception; it's free for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android.) Also, most GPS devices are [....]
'Misery' Levels Hit 28-Year-High in US
Friday, 17 Jun 2011
By Julie Crawshaw
The latest “Misery Index” shows that Americans are more miserable than they’ve been in the past 28 years, economically speaking. The monthly index, an unofficial measurement created by economist Arthur Okun back in the 1970s using the simple premise to total the inflation and unemployment rates, is now 62 percent higher than when President Barack Obama first took office in 2009. The May index is at 12.7 (9.1 percent unemployment and 3.6 percent annualized inflation). That compares to an all-time high of 21.98 in June 1980, and a historical low of 2.97 in July 1953. In 2011, it has inched up every month since January’s reading of 10.63. “The good news is that [....]
New Mexico Dems pan official's voter fraud claims
By Milan Simonich \ Santa Fe Bureau
El Paso Times
SANTA FE -- Democrats on a legislative committee made Secretary of State Dianna Duran the butt of jokes and criticism Friday, saying she had mishandled an investigation into voter fraud. Duran, a Republican, has forwarded 64,000 voter records to state police so its investigators can help determine whether any laws were broken. Those under investigation account for about 5 percent of New Mexico's 1.16 million registered voters. State Sen. Cisco McSorley, D-Albuquerque, told fellow members of the Courts, Corrections and Justice Committee that the vast [....]
70% Say Default is Bad for Economy, 56% Say Failure to Cut Spending is Worse
Monday, June 20, 2011
Voters strongly agree that failing to raise the federal government’s debt ceiling is bad for the economy. But most see a failure to make big cuts in government spending as a bigger long- and short-term threat than the government defaulting on the federal debt. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely U.S. Voters think it would be bad for the economy if the debt ceiling is not raised and the federal government defaults on some of its loan obligations. Just 7% disagree and think it would be good for the economy. Eleven percent (11%) feel a government default will have no impact, and another 11% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.) But 56% of voters see more short-term economic danger in [....]
Obama’s NLRB Pushes “Snap Elections” for Union Gain
James Sherk
June 21, 2011
owe-bama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been aggressively reinterpreting the law to foist unions on workers—whether they want them or not. The Board famously filed charges against Boeing for creating jobs at a nonunion plant in South Carolina. Today the Board announced its most aggressive move yet: snap elections. Currently the NLRB takes between five and six weeks to conduct unionizing elections. Under the procedures the Board just proposed that time would fall to between 10 and 21 days. Employers usually have no idea that unions have begun an organizing drive until the union files for an election. By that point the union has spent months selling workers on the value of unionizing. It is during the election campaign that employers get to respond. Snap elections short-circuit employers’ ability to make their case. If the election takes place in a matter of days workers will base their decision (largely) on information received from the union. This does not benefit workers. Union organizers do not impartially advocate workers’ best interests. They are salesmen. They get paid to persuade workers [....]
Update: Motion to Strike Posted in Obama Social Security Number Case 321
by Sharon Rondeau
The Social Security Administration has stated that it has no record of issuing the SSN which Obama is using
(Jun. 21, 2011) — Atty. Orly Taitz has informed The Post & Email that a Motion to Strike, filed with the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, has been posted by the court and on her website, but www.orlytaitzesq.com has been inaccessible today. Taitz is not sure if the site is down due to an inordinate number of attempts to load her home page or if there is another problem yet to be identified.
Taitz has told The Post & Email that the government had until May 3, 2011 to provide an answer in the case of Taitz v. Astrue, which was filed after Taitz’s Freedom of Information Act request [....]
Until Next Sunday....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
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