Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; July 9th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 07/09/2011
July 9, 2011

barackingham Palace
District of Corruption
    Earlier this week, we did something that’s never been done here at the White House – we had a Twitter Town Hall. I even sent my first live tweet as President. The questions at the town hall were sent in from across the country and covered all kinds of topics – from jobs and the economy to education and energy.  Lots of people also submitted different versions of another question. They’d start by saying that our politics has grown so contentious. Then they’d ask, When will both parties in Congress come together on behalf of the people who elected them?  That’s a really important question, and it goes to the heart of a debate we’re having right now in this country – and that’s the debate about how to tackle the problem of our deficits and our debt.
[What I'm not telling you: While historic, the 'twit adventure' I initiated didn't resonate well with the body-politic or the voting public!  Granted, there was a wide variety of questions; most of which I was able to 'blow-off' in my usual style.  The question from Speaker John Boehner on "where are the jobs?" was not answerable within the parameters set by George Soros and Valarie Jarrett.  I attempted to again, 'blow it off' with that "typing skills" quip.  That didn't resonate well with the voting public either!!  It seems to me that at least one party is responding "....on behalf of the people who elected them..."  The republicRATs are doing Allah's work by listening to the 'Tea Partyvoters who--during the 2010 mid-term elections--emphatically denounced big government, deficit spending, the increasing national debt and the increasing level of government control over their lives!]
    Now, there are obviously real differences in approach. I believe we need a balanced approach. That means taking on spending in our domestic programs and our defense programs. It means addressing the challenges in programs like Medicare so we can strengthen those programs and protect them for future generations. And it means taking on spending in the tax code – spending on tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans.  But I also know that Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye on a number of issues. And so, we’re going to continue working over the weekend to bridge those gaps.  The good news is, we agree on some of the big things. We agree that after a decade of racking up deficits and debt, we finally need to get our fiscal house in order. We agree that to do that, both sides are going to have to step outside their comfort zones and make some political sacrifices. And we agree that we simply cannot afford to default on our national obligations for the first time in our history; that we need to uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America.
[What I'm not telling you:  As a truly discerning reader can digest, I'm again obfuscating my answers with an aim toward actually conning as many readers/voters as I can with a middle-of-the-road approach to my on-going "Tour d'Lies" campaign toward the 2012 elections.  At this point I'm forced to thank someone else-can you imagine?!?  Whomever coined the phrase '....spending in the tax code....' begrudgingly deserves a pat-on-the-back!  An obfuscation in the true "Clown Prince" owe-bama vernacular!  What that phrase actually references--and I prefer that the voter not realize--are the benefits built into the IRS Tax Code.  See, the basic socio-fascist--and thus, my--premise is that all monies, all assets, all negotiable instruments are owned by the federal government.  Any monies the American citizen is allowed to keep as fruits of his labor, are considered an expense by the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama Regime.  As such, any tax benefits take said instruments directly out of the federal 'purse!'  Any removal of these benefits will directly benefit the federal coffers while conversely destroying any will to create new businesses, new jobs, or any positive effect on the dismal  "owe-bama Depression."  I--myself--have taken the position--albeit erroneous--that the last decade has driven up the deficit to unmanageable levels, while in truth, the bulk of the increased deficit spending has occurred in the past two-and-a-half years!!  Probably the most egregious lie that I--and other socio-fascists--tell is that the federal government is nearing default on it's debt obligations; blatantly false!!  One has but to side-step "TurboTax-Cheat Tim" Geithner in favor of IRS statistics to find that the Treasury Department takes in $238 BILLION-monthly, more than enough to satisfy debt service requirements!  The payable interest expense for the 2011 Fiscal Year (ending October First) is forcast to be $385.87 Billion.  The dirty little secret here is that the Treasury Department at my order--and my responsibility--can and must prioritize payments to other federal responsibilities with the remaining monies.  I thoroughly dislike doing this; it requires that I actually take responsibility for something more important than my weekly golf scores!! In toto, there is no default crisis based on income vs expenses!!]
    With a recovery that’s still fragile and isn’t producing all the jobs we need, the last thing we can afford is the usual partisan game-playing in Washington. By getting our fiscal house in order, Congress will be in a stronger position to focus on some of the job-creating measures I’ve already proposed – like putting people to work rebuilding America’s infrastructure, or reforming our patent system so that our innovators and entrepreneurs have a greater incentive to generate new products, or making college more affordable for families. And businesses that may be holding back because of the uncertainty surrounding the possibility of a default by the U.S. government will have greater confidence to invest and create jobs.  I know we can do this. We can meet our fiscal challenge. That’s what the American people sent us here to do. They didn’t send us here to kick our problems down the road. That’s exactly what they don’t like about Washington. They sent us here to work together. They sent us here to get things done.  Right now, we have an extraordinary – and extraordinarily rare – opportunity to move forward in a way that makes sure our government lives within its means, that puts our economy on a sounder footing for the future, and that still invests in the things we need to prosper in the years to come. And I’m hopeful that we will rise to the moment, and seize this opportunity, on behalf of all Americans, and the future we hold in common.
[What I'm not telling you:  Continuing with my usual obfuscations; the 'recovery that's still fragile' is actually "The owe-bama Depression," whether I'm willing to admit it or not!!  The job-creation measures I've proposed previously haven't worked; why would anyone think my new ideas will work, they're still in the same areas as past proposals.  All this 'infrastructure re-building' was supposed to occur during the early stages of PORKulus spending, which never happened although a large portion of the funds were spend rewarding union thugs, polling place 'enforcers, my supporters, legal and illegal campaign contributors.  The reformation of the patent and copyrights system was actually a republicRAT proposal which I begrudgingly adopted.  It'll piss off a small segment of my 'Campaign of Fluff' supporters, but what-ta-hell, someone's gotta bite-the-bullet, and it ain't gonna be me!!  That 'college more affordable for families' thingie.... that's my attempt to slip some vote-buying into the debt negotiations; I'm gonna lose-my-ass during these negotiations, I have to salvage votes anywhere I can.  The business community IS NOT holding back due to uncertainty to the debt limit negotiations; they're holding back due to the uncertainty to  the SJo Regime's "scatter-shot" methodology of tax allocation and collection!  How stupid can the public and the body-politic be?!?  The better question would be how stupid am I; how stupid are George Soros and Valarie Jarrett, to think that the voting public and Members of Congress will swallow the statement: "...opportunity to move forward in a way that makes sure our government lives within it's means...."  We--the SJo Regime--have no intention of abandoning our 'one-world government' objectives!! This objective directly hinges on the complete destruction of the American economy and the positive American image, worldwide.]



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