75% Say U.S. Not Doing Enough To Develop Its Gas And Oil Resources
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Most voters continue to feel America needs to do more to develop domestic gas and oil resources. They also still give the edge to finding new sources of oil over reducing gas and oil consumption. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that just 19% believe the United States does enough to develop its own gas and oil resources. Seventy-five percent (75%) do not think the country is doing enough in this area.
These findings are virtually unchanged from late February.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters say, when given the choice, that increasing the supply of oil by finding new sources is a better energy policy than reducing demand by cutting gas and oil consumption. Forty-two percent (42%) believe reducing the demand for oil is the better energy policy. The gap between the two was a bit wider in June 2008, when [....]
US Includes Anti-Terror Partner Israel on Terror List
Thursday, 30 Jun 2011
The United States has designated Israel as a country that tends to “promote, produce, or protect terrorists,” while at the same time calling the country an anti-terror partner. The designation is an admission that Israel not only is surrounded by countries and territories that produce terrorists but also unwillingly harbors terrorists within its own territory, CNSNews.com reported. Also on the list of 36 such countries are the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza, as well as [....]
America's Top States For Business-2011
And The Winner Is — Virginia
The Old Dominion State is back on top, knocking out Texas and capturing first-place honors for the third time in five years. [....]
Biggest car-buying rip-offs
"This car's perfect. Trust me."
Relying on a salesperson to choose the best car for you, instead of doing your own homework, is possibly the worst kind of car-buying rip-off and there's no-one to blame but yourself. While a good salesperson can help you select from what's available at her dealership, you can't expect her to tell you that a competing product is superior or more suited to you. That's not her job. It's up to you to [....]
Expert: Obama's Tapping of Oil Reserves Helped China More
Tuesday, 05 Jul 2011
China and other foreign markets likely benefited more than American drivers after President Obama tapped the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to relieve price pressure, according to US News and World Report. "Yes, the government can reduce the price of oil by suddenly releasing 30 million barrels from our reserves," says But it does not help the United States in any way. Even if it reduces the price of gasoline by 10 cents a gallon and saves the average consumer $6 a month, it does so over the entire world, not just in our country," says financial analyst David Marotta, president of Marotta Wealth Management in Charlottesville, Va. "Oil is bought and sold on a world market," said Marotta in his memo to clients. "So long as a free market exists for oil, the market will price oil appropriately. And the only effect of releasing our oil reserves is to lower world oil prices." And since China now [....]
Most Affordable Colleges
by Annalyn Censky
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
For the first time ever, the government is ranking American colleges and universities by affordability. Using a new interactive tool launched by the Department of Education, students and parents can search public and private colleges by not only their published tuition prices, but also by their "net price" -- the average costs after tuition, room and board, book fees and financial aid are all taken into consideration. The tool, called the College Affordability and Transparency Center, was mandated by education reforms passed by Congress in 2008, and is meant to reveal the true costs of going to college. Each individual college self reports its data and has [....]
Warren Buffett’s Worst Investment
By Kevin D. Williamson
July 8, 2011
Barack Obama must be the worst investment Warren Buffett has ever made.
The billionaire investor famously supported Barack Obama, who in turn used Buffett as his amulet of normalcy: What, me radical? Tell it to this rich white guy from Omaha. One of the lamest things I can remember having seen in politics transpired in 2008 when Obama was challenged on his radical associations and used Buffett to change the subject. His phrasing was memorably odd: “Let me tell you who I associate with. On economic policy, I associate with Warren Buffett and former Fed chairman Paul Volcker. If I’m interested in figuring out my foreign policy, [Editorial aside: “If”?] I associate myself with my running mate, Joe Biden, or with Dick Lugar, the Republican ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations.” So, here’s the wisdom of Associate Buffett on the debt ceiling: “We raised the debt ceiling seven times during the Bush administration. . . . We had debt at 120 percent of the GDP, far higher than this, after World War II, and no one went around threatening that we’re going to ruin the credit of the United States or something in order to get a better balance of debt to GDP.” Saving the world from Hitler [....]
Whistleblower Testifies Obama Obstructed Fast and Furious Investigation
by Ben Johnson
The White House Watch
The chief congressional investigators of Operation Fast and Furious released explosive testimony from the director of the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms,and Explosives (ATF) that they say indicates the Obama administration tried to stonewall Congress,deny witnesses the ability to testify freely,and fire employees who refused to conceal damning information. According to acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson not only did the Justice Department play fast-and-loose with Fast and Furious,but other government agencies may have known – and funded – the straw purchasers the ATF program was designed to catch. The agency’s investigation,which has resulted in at least two deaths,may have been entirely unnecessary.
Scorn on the Fourth of July
Congressman Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley sent a joint letter to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday,revealing that Melson gave a transcribed interview on the Fourth of July,with only his personal lawyer present. The news must have come as a shock to Holder. Melson’s testimony had been scheduled to take place July 13,with Melson’s counsel and Obama administration lawyers from the DoJ and ATF taking part. According to the letter, Melson testified that the administration had not informed him of his legal right “to attend a voluntary interview with [his] own lawyer… rather than participate with counsel representing the Department’s interests.”
“We are disappointed that no one had previously informed him of that provision of the agreement,” they wrote. “Instead,Justice Department officials sought to [....]
5 Cheap Stocks in a Very Expensive Market
by: Investment Underground July 7, 2011
by Larry Geller
(CSCO): Although Cisco Systems, Inc. has been on a downward trend for the past year, the company is now trading [....]
(INTC): Like Cisco, Intel Corporation is a company that stands to benefit greatly from the pending economic recovery. Intel is currently [....]
(AAPL): The stock of Apple, Inc. has climbed in the past couple of weeks and with good reason – products like the iPhone and iPad continue to dominate their respective markets. Apple just announced that over 15 billion apps have been downloaded from its app store, and [....]
F): At this point in time, it is quite clear that Ford Motor Co. is the American automobile company to buy. The other main option – General Motors – simply does not have much upside as it continues to recover from its 2009 reorganization. From a fundamental perspective, Ford [....]
(SIRI): If you’re looking for a company to invest in that is both unique and brand name, Sirius XM Radio Inc. should be that company. When this company formed via merger between Sirius and XM, it made itself into the only company currently providing satellite radio. The idea behind allowing this merger was [....]
Disclosure: This blogger has a current position in SIRI; has previously owned F but no longer does. This blogger has no plans to initiate any additional positions in the forseeable future.http://seekingalpha.com/article/278425-5-cheap-stocks-in-a-very-expensive-market?source=email_the_daily_dispatch
Eight Stupid Fees Consumers Hate to Pay (But Often Do Anyway)
Fees for this, fees for that – even a fee for paying a fee. Where does it end? I’m afraid I know the answer…
by Len Penzo
July 14, 2011
In this tough economy, businesses of all types are trying to nickel and dime us with add-on charges. They want you to believe these fees are necessary to cover the cost of doing business, but more often than not, they simply mislead the consumer by adding a hidden mark-up to the advertised price.
Sometimes the fees are small, but other times they [....]
Best Value Degrees
Which majors cracked our Best Value list?
By Chris Kyle
Are you thinking of going back to school and wondering which degrees have the potential to offer the best value? It's a question that many probably wish they had considered more closely when they had the chance. In fact, when asked if they would change anything about college, 48 percent of recent grads said they wished they had more carefully selected their degree, according to a 2011 report from Rutgers University. Rutgers researchers also concluded that students were having trouble linking degree and career choices. In a separate 2011 study, Georgetown University [....]
The Unemployed Worker's New Friend: Outsourcers
Job Hunters Pay Firms to Launch Résumé Blitz.
Last summer, Mel Moomjean was unemployed and looking for a job as a sales director, but without meaning to he also applied for work as a receptionist, manicurist and fitness coach. His résumé, which highlights more than 20 years' experience managing sales teams, even landed at the beauty salon his wife goes to. It was looking for a stylist. Gary Bauer, the salon's owner, thought [...]
Book Challenges Obama on Mother’s Deathbed Fight
July 13, 2011
The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother’s deathbed dispute with her insurance company. During his presidential campaign and subsequent battle over a health care law, Mr. Obama quieted crowds with the story of his mother’s fight with her insurer over whether her cancer was a pre-existing condition that disqualified her from coverage. In offering the [....]
Issa, Grassley: DOJ Obstructed Mexican Guns Probe
Jul 6, 2011
By Martin Gould
Abigail Walls
The top man in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has turned sensationally against his Department of Justice bosses saying they were trying to stymie an investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. Kenneth Melson told Congress in a secret deposition that the Justice Department falsely leaked stories to the press that he was about to resign over Fast and Furious, Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley say. Kenneth Melson, acting director of the ATF, gave a secret deposition to Congress on July 4, it was revealed today. He took his own lawyer instead of relying on one from the ATF. The stunning move will increase pressure on [....]
Is There an Alinksy in Your Future?
This article first appeared in the Nov. 1, 1966, issue of NATIONAL REVIEW.
By William F. Buckley, Jr.
Mr. Saul Alinsky of Chicago is becoming very fashionable; indeed churches and civic groups are vying for his favors, and he may be popping up any one of these days in your town. For a fee, Mr. Alinsky contracts to come into your city and, so to speak, bust up the joint. His purposes, needless to say, are noble, like the Jacobins’ in France, who sought to break up the power structure so as to release the energies and increase the opportunities of the lower class. Mr. Alinsky is twice formidable. For one thing, he is very close to being an organizational genius. For another, Alinsky has a way of [....]
The Elmendorf Rule
We don’t estimate leaks.
by Charles Krauthammer, National Review
July 8, 2011
Here we go again. An approaching crisis. A looming deadline. Nervous markets. And then, from the miasma of gridlock, rises our president, calling upon those unruly congressional children to quit squabbling, stop kicking the can down the road, and get serious about debt. This from the man who:
{*}Asked in Congress how this new “budget framework” would affect the actual federal budget, Congressional Budget Office director Doug Elmendorf replied with a devastating “We don’t estimate speeches.” You can’t assign numbers to air. President Obama assailed the lesser mortals who [....]
•Ignored the debt problem for two years by kicking the can to a commission.{*}
•Promptly ignored the commission’s December 2010 report.
•Delivered a State of the Union address in January that didn’t even mention the debt until 35 minutes in.
•Delivered in February a budget so embarrassing — it actually increased the deficit — that the Democratic-controlled Senate rejected it 97–0.
•Took a budget mulligan with his April 13 debt-plan speech.
Until Next Sunday....{*}
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