"Clown Prince" owe-bama--with lot'sa help from Soros and Jarrett--is marching us toward the 'Lake of Fire' with himself
Continuing along this pathway, the 'Lake of Fire(#1)' is the 'uber-grosse' deficit spending the SJo Regime has undertaken. In just two and one-half years, the regime has increased the deficit by forty-three percent; that's 43%!! Today's per-capita share is over $46,000 for each-and-every citizen, no matter their ages!!
'Lake of Fire #2' is the ever-decreasing liberties the citizenry enjoys. The latest is the Department of Social Justice's "Project Gun Walker" program. 'General' holder--performing his 'lying arschloch' duties--continues to deny any knowledge of that program which arms Mexican drug cartels. He has directly caused the deaths of two Border Patrol agents, shot-and-killed with said guns. The entire "Project Gun Walker" program has succeeded beyond the regime's wildest dreams!! The whole Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama scheme was to fabricate a scenario in which they could claim that the U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment: "right-to-keep-and-bear-arms;" was too loose and didn't apply to today's international climate. The regime could then restrict gun ownership, gun possession, gun licensing, gun conceal-and-carry; everything and anything-gun related. The 'project' started in 2005 and by 2009, involved well over 12,000 guns!!
As yet--apparently--owe-bama hasn't been instructed to actually issue an executive order; none can be found on the whitehouse website.
- From www.thenewamerican.com:"....the administration appears unmoved and today (Tuesday, July 12) is putting its words into effect by executive order."
- From www.foxnews.com: "....Under the new policy, federal firearms lincensees in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California must report purchases of two or more of some types of rifles by the same person in a five-day span. The requirement applies to semi-automatic rifles that have detachable magazines and a caliber of greater than .22."
- From the Social Justice Department: "....The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [BATFE] (aka:ATF), will be responsible for generating and maintaining annual reports, approximately 18,000 per year. If no investigative leads are made in two years, the information will be destroyed."
- From www.biggovernment.com: "....('Project Gunrunner') was a project of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fireworks [intentional by Breitbart]. In late 2009 the ATF was alerted to suspicious buys at seven gun shops in the Phoenix area. Suspicious because the buyers paid cash, sometimes brought in paper bags. And they purchased "weapons of choice" used by Mexican drug smugglers-semi automatic versions of military type rifles and pistols. According to news reports several gun shops wanted to stop the questionable sales but the Bureau encouraged them to continue."
- From Rep Darrell Issa (r-Ca), Chmn, House Cmte on Oversight and Government Reform: "Its disconcerting that the Justice Department officials who may have known about or tried to coverup gunwalking in Operation Fast and Furious are continuing attempts to distract attention from clear wrongdoing."
- From Rep Rob Bishop (r-Ut), Mbr, owe-bama's Second Amendment Task Force: "DemocRATic government was always supposed to be messy, but it's based on checks and balances. Going only through executive action is not good for his relationship with Congress.... Those ideas are going to have a great deal of comments and can be abused especially if by executive order."
- From X-President "Slick-Willie" Clinton (to Aide Paul Begala in 1998, on executive orders): "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool."
- Jay Carney, the barackingham Palace mouthpiece, continuing to spout the Soros philosophy: "....the administration is passing common-sense measures (to) improve Americans' safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights."
Til Nex'Time....
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