Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This'n'That; July Twelfth #2; Speaking of....

....How Much The Rich, Ruling Class 'Gets It!!'
    To open this entry, let me quote "Clown Prince" owe-bama's Monday blather opportunity:
    {*}Can one inept, incompetent, inexperienced lying arschloch of the rich, ruling class be more out-of-touch than "Clown Prince" owe-bama?!?  It's those very 'professional politicians (of every stripe)' that spent us into this financial kerfuffle, in the first place!!  Why should we continue to rely on their ethics, their integrity, their judgement-they have none!!  I'm just a commoner of the serf class and I know the inner workings of Treasury auctions, as do several of my friends and acquaintenances.
"Let me distinguish between professional politicians and the public at large.  You know the public is not paying close attention to the ins and outs of how a Treasury auction goes.  They shouldn't.  They're worrying about their family, they're worrying about jobs.  They're worrying about their neighborhoods.  They've go a lot of other things on their plate.  We're paid to worry about it."

{*}    I don't have to worry about my family; we brought them up to be self-sufficient.  Most of the seven kids have professional, post-graduate degrees; if not, they're well educated at the 'school of hard knocks' and are as high as they can go in their fields.  I don't have to worry about my job; I'm good at what I do and over-the-road truck drivers are in short supply.  The only worry I have about my neighborhood is that it's slowly being overrun by owe-bamacRATic thugs and their progeny that I'm paying, just to be thugs!!  The sooner I can move from western New York to any other state, the happier I'll be. 
    Every one of these professional politicians should take his or her turn as the 'Term Limits Poster Child' of the moment!!
Til Nex'Time....



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