What's He Done To Warrant Re-election?!? As my late mother used to say: "Good intentions (or promises) don't buy whiskey!" To interpret her meaning, all the good intentions; all the good promises, ain't worth 'a-pinch-a-shit' unless they're fulfilled! Not so, the SJo Regime!! To that end, there's a lot Soros, Jarrett and/or "Clown Prince" owe-bama can campaign on: He/she/they tried to: reduce the climbing rate of unemployment; tried to buy co-operation of small business by paying bribe money to the union thugs; tried to stem theoff-shore job flow with the same bribery methods; tried to 'fix the auto industry' by forcing the taxpayer to buy--not just one, but--two auto manufacturers; tried to fix the bursting housing bubble by throwing money at unqualified, sub-level purchasers; tried to fix the mortgage kerfuffle by continuing the prop-up of the mis-managed, fraudulent FreddieMac and FannieMae as well as throwing money at mortgage-lending institutions [JPMorgan-Chase ($3.6Bln); Wells Fargo ($2.9Bln); Citigroup ($2.0Bln); GMAC ($633Mln); Saxon Mortgage ($407Mln); Select Portfolio ($376Mln) and those are just a few of the many,many financial institutions that received bribe money!!]; tried to reinvigorate the construction industry with shovel-ready jobs that proved "....not as shovel-ready as we thought;" and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on!!

Oh, there's tons-'n'-tons more "good intentions" that the "Clown Prince" can run on. But--at the end of the next election day--the American voter will prove he or she is not the dupe that owe-bama himself is, nor the dupe that owe-bama believes he or she to be!! The owe-bamacRATics and the "KoolAid drinkers" that read impending positive results into the 600 or so, promises the "Clown Prince" made during the last "Campaign of Fluff," will approach this election more clear-eyed; more critical of the blather 'n' bluster!!
(BLOGGER NOTE: Many thanks to http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/ for the illustration, herein!!)
Til Nex'Time....
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