Thursday, August 11, 2011

This'n'That; August Eleventh #2; Congressional Ratings

How Do 'Super Committee' Nominees Rate?!?
     The formation of this "Super Committee" is nothing more than both houses of Congress failing to execute their responsibilities; members of both houses failing to stand behind their political beliefs, be they conservative or fascist!
    'Tea Party' representatives and senators are--practically by definition--first-termers.  As such, several of the "Super Committee" nominees haven't been in office long enough to build a  conservative voting record.  Here's what I've been able to find:
  • Senator Pat Toomey (Pa):  First-termer, no conservative record built up.
  • Senator John Kyl (Az): 2010-96% Conservative; 2009-92%; 24 years in office; Lifetime average-96.72%.
  • Senator Rob Portman (Oh):  First-termer, no conservative record built up.
~No owe-bamacRATic senators have been officially selected~
  • Rep Fred Upton (Mi-4): 2010-92% Conservative; 2009-72%; 24 years in office;  Lifetime average-73.23%.
  • Rep Jeb Hensarling (Tx-5): 2010-100% Conservative; 2009-100%; 8 years in office; Lifetime average-98.96%.
  • Rep Dave Camp (Mi-6):  2010-92% Conservative; 2009-88%; 20 years in office; Lifetime average-88.89%.
~No owe-bamacRATic representatives have been officially selected~
    Apparently, 'pinky' reid and Nancy PORKlosi are going to delay their respective selections until the August 16th deadline-but, I digress!  We can expect this committee's meetings will be much ado about very little; lots of squabbling; few accomplishments.
    From my perspective--remember, I'm a 'true constitutionalist;' if it ain't written there, don't do it here!--it would seem that some selected for the "Super Committee" are "Tea Party" hangers-on.  Since it's inception in February, 2009, the movement has become the most powerful, the most conservative movement since the original 'tea party movement' of December, 1773.  Some in the House and Senate--realizing the movement's power--jumped on early, seemingly to bask in the glory, the reflected power!
    On their face, the statistics seem to show that Rep Jeb Hensarling of Texas would be the only truly conservative member of the "Super Committee" with 100% average over 2009 and 2010; a lifetime--8 year--average of 98.96%.  As stated previously, this committee is nothing more than the entire congress refusing to take responsibility for their previous actions- continuing to dig in this financial 'hole,' while at the same time, refusing to 'put their names to' a solution.  If 'compromise' and 'balance solution' are the words of the day, there will be no adequate solution.
   An adequate solution can not contain the phrase: "....over ten years!"   My previous blog entries have elucidated that no future congress can be financially encumbered by any previous congress; the encumbering legislation is either ignored (no federal budget for well over 800 days, ring a bell?), or legislated out-of-existence.  The "....over ten years...." methodology plays to the re-election of the nation's 'worst president in history' by pushing the budget/debt problems out beyond owe-bama's 2012 attempt to stay in power!! 
Til Nex'Time....



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