Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This'n'That; August Twenty-Fourth #2; Civility?!?

Shame On You, Jesse!
    The 'Not-A-Reverend' Jackson should be ashamed of himself-posing as a man of the cloth, like that! 
The 'Not-A-Reverend' Jackson is now making inferences that the "Tea Party" movement is racist.
The 'Not-A-Reverend' Jackson is comparing the "Tea Party" movement to the 1960s civil rights opposition:
"The Tea Party is a new name for an old game," said he.  "Dr [(A real) Reverend Martin Luther] King fought a 'tea party' in Alabama." 
    .....And we're supposed to believe this?!?
This, from a guy who lied incessantly about his physical placement at the instant of Dr King's death in Memphis.
This, from a guy who's well known for 'ransoming the reputations' of several well known corporations like Toyota Motor Sales, USA.
This, from a guy who uses tax-exempt donations to his Rainbow/PUSH and CEF organizations to pay off mistresses.
    How is anything this miscreant says or supports, deemed newsworthy?  Not only that, he apparently didn't get the 'civility in political rhetoric' memo from "Clown Prince" owe-bama!
Til Nex'Time....



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