Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This'n'That; November Eighth #2; Smokin'

I Gotta Quit!!
    I'm sixty-five years old.
I've been smoking since the age of thirteen.
That's fifty-two--count'em--52 YEARS!
I'm truly surprised I still have any lungs at all!!
    Early on, I--and all my buddies--smoked cigarettes; the ones without filters.  You may remember Camels, Lucky Strikes, Pall Malls, Old Golds, Chesterfields, Kools; all filterless (at that time: the late '50s-early '60s)!!  I've smoked 'em all!  For the last five-years or so, I've been smoking a pipe.  I smoke Prince Albert tobacco; yes, I have him in a can and yes, I'll let him out!
    As I said, I'm surprised I have any lungs left at all.  As  tough and durable the lung tissue seems to be, why is it not harvested from cadavers and put to good use; uses that need extended 'life.'  God knows, I've put mine through a heluva durability test!!
    I still have enough tobacco to see me through about mid-day, tomorrow, November Nineth.  After that, "Katie, bar the door!!"  There'll be 'Hell-to-pay' around "Casa del Case!!"  I can be pretty hard-headed, so this may turn into a test-of-wills; mine against "Prince Albert's!!"
Again, We shall see what we shall see!!
Til Nex'Time....



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