Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This'n'That; November Twenty-Ninth #1; The 'Menu'

'Toasted' Cain!
    Was I a Herman Cain supporter?  Absolutely!  I supported Mr Cain throughout the several bimbos coming out of the woodwork; I just don't think his reputation; his campaign can survive  the "Ginger White affair!"  After the "Slick Willie-esque" bimbo eruptions died down I became a financial supporter as well.  Would I do it again? Absolutely!  But, no more.
    While the Herman Cain Campaign most probably can't survive this alleged 'full-fledged affair,' the campaign has had several positive aspects. If nothing else, the Cain Campaign has proven that not all negros are socio-fascists; not all negro politicians covertly intend to destroy the United States as we know her!  Mr Cain--along with others like Oprah Winfrey and Robert Johnson--also proved that negros can be business magnates as well as successes in the entreprenuerial world. 
    Not only the negros among us but every American, owes Herman Cain a debt of gratitude!!  Not only to advance his campaign initially, but to continue on in the light of the bimbos!!  I think now is the time for Mr Cain to step down from the campaign stump.  It would be unfair to demand that he refrain from further political activities; he could very well serve the republicRAT party.
Til Nex'Time....



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