Thursday, December 8, 2011

This'n'That; December Eighth #1; Kansas or TEXAS?!?

"Clown Prince" Hits Campaign Trail "Fairly!"
    Straying off the teleprompter at the outset of his blusterful blather, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" nearly referred to Kansas as the State of Texas!  After getting back on teleprompter, the "Useless Idiot" took off on the socio-fasist rant of fairness, using the words 'fair' and fairness' a total of fourteen times in this latest blather opportunity.  As is usual with socio-fascists, the "Useless Idiot" made his usual feeble attempt at pointing out the congressional republicRATs' lack of compassion for the middle-class:
"Their philosophy is simple:  We are better of when everyone is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules.  I'm here to say they're wrong." 
    The "Clown Prince" is in a deep, deep hole, re-electively speaking.  He has no POSITIVE RECORD to campaign on thus, he must use the negativity of denegrating his opponents.  That denegration has to include his basic precepts of race bating and class warfare.  Rather than actually being president, the "Useless Idiot" continues to compare himself with dead presidents-this time, Theodore Roosevelt who spoke in the same Kansas town in 1910.
    At that time, President Roosevelt was battling vast corporate monoplies; at the same time advocating for conservation and improved race relations.  Quite the opposite of the "Useless Idiot, Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist!"  obama--if he truly wants to finally be a president--could do worse than emulate this predecessor whom he tries to use to his advantage!!
Til Nex'Time....



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