Monday, December 5, 2011

This'n'That; December Fifth #1; Federal Money Laundering

Feds Claim Money Less Offensive Than Guns!
    Between $20Billion and $40Billion cross the US-Mexican Border each year, in both directions.  Last year, the DEA seized over $1Billion in cash and drug assets while Mexican officials seized but $26Million in laundered money!  The DEA has taken to 'money-laundering' as a method of identifying the involved miscreants, where they keep their 'assets' and tracking the pathway of said monies to the Mexican drug hierarchies.
    American officials charged with protecting the southern border continue to 'blur the line' between surveillance and actually facilitating criminal activity.  As part of the laundering operations, the federal agents deposit laundered monies into specified accounts or shell corporations specified by the street-level and mid-management traffickers.  As with "Fast'n'Furious," the owe-bama miscreants continue to break the very laws they're charged with enforcing with this money-laundering scam!!  The confiscated monies and other assets:  Ever wonder where they go?!?  Ya think they mysteriously find their way into the owe-bama re-election coffers?!? 
Jis askin'......!!
Til Nex'Time....



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