Monday, December 12, 2011

This'n'That; December Twelfth #1; 'Boone'

When Is Enough, ENOUGH?!?
    Our moronic ruler is confusing those rich guys whose net worth he hopes to raid!  As T. Boone Pickens asked on that December Seventh, Scarborough Blather Opportunity on MSNBC:  What is a taxpayer's "fair share" and who determines it?!?
    Mr Pickens related that at 83, he's still at work by 8AM, employes 150 people at his BP Capital Management business AND  paid $665MILLION in taxes since his seventieth birthday!!  For benefit of "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist:"  That's an annual average of $51.150MILLION!! 
You-yourself, sure-as-hell wouldn't pay that much in taxes!!!
    The point being: when is "enough, enough?!?"  At what point do we tell the owe-bamacRATic socio-fascists to "stick the federal tax code in their collective asses-SIDEWAYS?!?" 
Were I 'T. Boone Pickens,' this is where I'd determine that $0 taxes paid annually is 'the point of fairness.'
Were I 'T. Boone Pickens,' this is where I'd become a Dollar-A-Year man; if it was good enough for President Kennedy, it'd be good enough for me!
Were I 'T. Boone Pickens,' I'd ensure that BP Capital Management showed no profit; all free income to be invested in take-overs and acquisitions.
   This--among many other items--clearly illustrates the federal tax code is not only long-overdue for revision; it's time to lay it to rest as inadequate for our times!!  The new tax must--as a primary objective--be fair to all U.S. Taxpayers; fair to all American Citizens; fair to all residents!! 
For instance: if the flat-tax rate is 16%; that 16% applies to the guy making $9,000 a year, as well as the guy making $85Million a year!!
For instance: In the continuing interests of fairness, everyone must "have-skin-in-the-game!!"  To that end, one of two things has to happen: either welfareRATs pay the same flat-rate percentage the rest of us pay--OR--they no longer have a vote in elections at any level!!   As has been proven since LBJ's "Great Society,"  welfareRATs will continually vote for those who promise the greatest increases or the greatest coverages in and by, welfare!! This unfairly biases the vote toward the crook who promises the most; hell, the crook doesn't even have to promise, he just has to be 'slick' with a teleprompter:  anyone remember the last presidential election when "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" made all those vague promises while--at the same time--clouding the socio-fascist issues that mark his administration, today! 
    Does "Joe-the-Plumber" ring a bell?!?  That incident--on the owe-bama campaign trail--was probably the only time said "Clown Prince's" feet were held to the fire!!!  That confrontation was buried after a short 'life' by the socio-fascist owe-bama-esque pamphleteers.  Today's generation is being brought up that they're intitled to anyone--to everyone--else's money.  The conservatives--be they republicRATic, owe-bamacRATic or independent--have a 'tough row to hoe' in re-educating the younger among the American public!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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