Thursday, January 19, 2012

This'n'That; January Nineteenth #2; Jobs Killer To Florida

owe-bama To Bring Disneyworld To A Standstill
    "Arschloch owe-bama" is AGAIN doing something "Ronaldus-Magnus" would never even consider: Closing down an entire segment of one of the world's--certainly America's--most popular amusement park and vacation destination.  Portions of Disneyworld are being closed for completely narcissistic reasons: "Arschloch owe-bama" is losing TV face time to the republicRATic presidential candidates!!
    This campaign trip--illegally billed to the American taxpayer--is thinly disguised as promoting jobs growth in a state that will reject "Arschloch owe-bama" in the upcoming presidential election.  Mr Arschloch needs Florida in his column, come election time.  This jobs promotion campaign stop comes just days after he killed 20,000 IMMEDIATE jobs with the rejection of the Keystone XL pipeling project.  Given that he took the state's unemployment rate from 4.5% to over 12% during his tenure, a second term to do more of the same will be a really hard-sell!!
    Ya gotta admit though:  The guy's balls the size of watermelons!!  He's done little--other than destroying the America we know and love--for the common man and yet thinks he's owed a second term to continue his destructive quest!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this arschloch?!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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