Friday, January 20, 2012

This'n'That; January Twentieth #2; Arschloch's EPA

EPA: Environment More Valuable Than Humans
    "Arschloch owe-bama's" EPA has determined that protecting the environment is a far higher priority than protecting America's HUMANS from certain DEATH!!  Said EPA has approved R-1234 refrigerant for use in the United States.
    European (Suburu) and Asian (Toyota) auto manufacturers are now ramping up to use this "killer cooler" in their new models.  While R-1234 (or HFO-1234yf) is more favorable to the environment,  accidents involving the refrigerant with fire, can cause DEATH in one or two DAYS!! Munich University chemistry professor Andreas Kornath said that 600 grams of the refrigerant when heated will produce 200 grams of highly toxic hydrogen fluoride gas.  ONE GRAM is toxic to humans when inhaled, taken through the skin or mixed with water.  Once inside the body, the victim will die a very painful death within two days from internal chemical burns and muscle failure.  Have a great day.... and be sure to thank "Arshloch owe-bama" and his EPA!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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