Friday, January 20, 2012

This'n'That; January Twentieth #1; Additional Affects

"Arschloch owe-bama" Destroys MORE Serfs
    "Arschloch owe-bama's" refusal--for purely political reasons--to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project will have a far more devastating affect on the American populus than just the hundreds-of-thousands jobs he's killing.
    Those per-barrel oil prices we see published each day?!?  They're based on 'futures contracts' that have delivery dates as much as six months out.  Once these contracts expire, we can expect 'five-dollar gas; six-dollar diesel!'  As "Arschloch owe-bama" stated many times during his 2008--completely un-vetted--"Campaign of Fluff,"  Americans' utility costs will necessarily SKYROCKET!!  His 'Cap and Trade' plan included retrofitting refining facilities, energy production facilities, et al, to comply with new, advanced pollution regulations; all paid with vastly increased utility--and fuel--prices to the consumer.
   The Keystone XL pipeline will not only move Canadian crude oil to Gulf Coast refineries and shipping ports,  it'll move oil from North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, eastern Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, as well!!  So, not only are we being exploited by Soros and the Arshloch with respect to jobs, the citizens of the aforementioned states are being shat-upon by a lack of crude oil transportation to the refineries, the shipping ports!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arshloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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