Monday, February 13, 2012

This'n'That; February Thirteenth #1; Soros; owe-bama?

Soros 'In-A-Pickle?!?'
    All the billions-a-bucks George Soros has made over the years is a clear indicator that he has financial/economic savvy.  His "empire-building" savvy, not-so-much!!  How does one build an empire--so as to encompass the entire United States--with such incompetence, which can not even follow a 'play-book;' can not read accurately from a teleprompter?!?
    The entire Soros/"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" reign has thusfar been an exercise in incompetence, ineptitude and inexperience!  George Soros could have 'had his pick' of nearly anyone as the recipient of his political largess; why the "Clown Prince?!?"  owe-bama--as the 'throw-away' candidate of the 2007-2008 campaign season--with the Soros guidance and backing was ultra-successful, capturing 'the prize' of barackingham Palace!!  We're now subjected to the result of his life-long incompetence and inexperience coupled with gobs-and-gobs of money:  socio-fascism in the images of Benito Mussolini(Italy), Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Francisco Franco (Spain).
    Benito Mussolini is considered the 'father' of fascism, long before Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco adopted the philosophy.  When researching (socio-)fascism as it relates to both George Soros and "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist," one can see close parallels of the fascist vis-a-vis the owe-bamacRATic mindset.  
Benito Mussolini began his period in power by buying the support of the middleclass and the industrial hierarchy.
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama" began his period in power by buying the support of welfareRATs and the industrial union hierarchy.
Any critics of Benito Mussolini were beaten and media that didn't support him were shut down.
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama" employed the use of SEIU's "Purple People Beaters" and the New Black Panther Party thugs to 'educate' non-compliant voters in Philadelphia voting precincts as well as others.  The American national pamphleteers routinely 'carry-the-water' for "Clown Prince ZERO-bama."
At the outset of Adolf Hitler's reign, he--and his thuggish SA and SS stormtroopers--ushered in the 'Enabling Act,' which essentially cast asunder the German Constitution and the resultant democractic-monarchy, allowing any and all of Hitler's barbaric programs and policies to flourish.
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama" and his owe-bamacRATics routinely ignore the United States Constitution. Does 'pass the bill to find out what's in it' in relation to owe-bamaKare; The 'Slaughter Rule' of Deem and Pass in relation to owe-bamaKare; the installation of Richard Cordray as Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate; the 'free' Catholic contraception and abortions, et al, ring a bell?!?
Adolf Hitler promised to deal with German unemployment (1933-26.3%; 1938-2.1%). He did!!
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama" promised to deal the 'Bush unemployment (U-3:  5.27%).  He did (U-3: 10.6%; U-6: 17.3%)!!
Relative to the German catholics, Hitler: restricted the movement of funds; restricted meetings, practices and education, and mandated catholic attendance at 'Hitler Youth' meetings and activities (ironically, on Sunday mornings!).
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama" (unconstitutionally) ordered the Catholic Church and catholic employers provide 'free' contraceptive and abortive measures-against ALL Catholic Church doctrine and teachings.  He later altered the order to 'insurance providers' must provide the aforementioned 'free' crap to catholic women. 
    In conclusion, practically 100% of George Soros'--and by extension, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's"--policies have percolated-up emotions ranging from disbelief to near-irrational anger!!  Any positive economic or fiscal knowledge Soros might have certainly did not translate well 'at the teleprompter;'  the economy has steadily gotten worse-regardless of the national pamphleteer spin on any coming recovery.  The 'catholic contraception' issue has cemented the course the owe-bamacRATic regime is negotiating.  If George Soros is successful in buying a second owe-bama term-of-rule:
America ain't seen nuthin' yet!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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