Monday, February 20, 2012

This'n'That; February Twentieth #2; Limousine Liberals

"Michelle Antoinette, The Uneducated"
     "Michelle Antoinette"--acting as the titular head of the women's branch of the 'Limousine Liberals,'--jetted off to Aspen for a skiing weekend as her husband "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" was off begging Left-Coast Leftists for more money than the average worker earns in a year-IF the "Clown Prince" hadn't destroyed their jobs!!
    To keep her name and image in the news, "Michelle Antoinette" mistakenly twitted her ruler that he was her 'personal favorite' for 'President's Day' honors.  As educated as the dum-bass is, she's not aware that there's no 'President's Day,'  just George Washington's birthday (officially: February 22nd; with which Abraham Lincoln's birthday [Feb 12th] is sometimes coupled).  So--I'm guessin'--they've collectively decided that those ol' dead guys don't count, but America's SECOND black president does!!
Til Nex'Time....



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