Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This'n'That; February Twenty-First #2; How Many's Enough?!?

The 'Limousine Libs' Spending YOUR Money!
    In the past six-months, the highest level 'Chardonnay Socialists' in barackingham Palace-"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" and/or his putzfrau "Michelle-Antoinette" have vacationed in Martha's Vineyard, Hawaii as well as last weekend's Aspen skiing frolic!!  This makes 16--count'em--SIXTEEN vacations since the "Clown Prince's" immaculation. 
    Whomever is the current 'Palace' mouthpiece makes a big deal each time about the 'Bollinger Bolsheviks' paying for their vacations, themselves.  At the very least, only barely partially true!!  You and I--dear fellow taxpayer--are responsible for both air and surface transportation, the 'care and feeding,' the protection; the socio-fascists are responsible for the weekly rentals and hotel rooms.  I'm sure--given the "Clown Prince's" penchant for shadiness--the 'personal' expenses were cleaverly slid over to George Soros or some other billionaire supporter.
    How many vacations have you--dear taxpayer--taken in the past three years?!?  My guess: three-or-less!!  The rental of each property used by the owe-bama family is more than the average American wage earner makes in an entire year of work: between $25,000 (Hawaii) and $40,000 (Blue Heron Farm, Martha's Vineyard)!!  If these clowns had to, they'd no more than the-the-man-in-the-moon, pay the taxpayer's share.  Hell--given their official, reported net worth--they couldn't get from the District of Corruption to Los Angeles!!  It's time to turn these "Limousine Liberals" out on their collective--more-than-ample--asses!!
Til Nex'Time....
(Expenses involved with the "Clown Prince's" Christmas vacation in Hawaii:)



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