Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This'n'That; July Twenty-Fourth #1; More Straws

obama Continues To "Grasp (and Gasp)!"
    For the past three-and-a-half years, "Clown Prince" obama has eroded America's respect, worldwide.  At the recent G-20 conference in Mexico City, the "Clown Prince" garnered all the respect of a confused junior partner in a law firm going down for it's third bankruptcy!  Even the worldwide communist and muslim leaders have little respect for obama--and by extension--the United States.
   Not only has obama made a complete travesty of foreign policy, he can't even get all his followers to attend the largest blather opportunity of his reign!  Many obamacRATics are choosing to not attend the DNC convention at the "New Black Panther" Stadium in Charlotte, N.C.  Those like West Virginia's Joe Manchin (Senator), Nick Rahall (Representative) and Earl Ray Tomblin (Governor), as well as Senators Claire McCaskell (Mo), Jon Tester (Mt) and Rep Jim Matheson (Ut).

    Of 'grasping at straws,' the most blatant illustration in recent weeks is the Stephanie Cutter (the Regime's Deputy Campaign Manager) statement that Governor Mitt Romney is a felon.  This statement would be laughable if it weren't such an outright lie!  From the Romney Campaign, the accusation deserves no defense.  Particularly in the face of obama's--or maybe barry soetoro's or maybe Bill Ayers'--admission in print that obama/soetoro smoked 'whacky-weed,' used cocaine as well as his family's prescription drugs.  This makes him at least a three-time felon candidate; marijuana use and possession with intent, marijuana distribution, using drugs not prescribed to him and cocaine use and distribution.  I have (with no affiliation) suggested the Romney folks to 'make hay' of the Stephanie Cutter statement but it would appear they chose not to.

    The most recent 'straw' is the re-immaculation campaign equating "Bain (Capital, LLC)" with "Bane (the archvillian of 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises')" as being dastardly, capitalistic, villianous! This, just the latest in the obama Regime's and campaign's attempts to paint Governor Mitt Romney as evil and villianous.  What a sad, unfunny joke the obama campaign staff is becoming.  This latest 'straw' is far beneath the dignity of the presidency, IF said president had any dignity or even a modicum of presidential bearing!!

'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arscholch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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