Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This'n'That; September Eighteenth #1; Is It Time?

YES, Long Overdue!
    With radical MUSLIM terrorists frolicking hither, thither 'n' yon throughout the Middle East wreaking havoc, death and destruction, it truly is long overdue that the US troops, civilian contractors and interested parties are withdrawn.  This withdrawal must include all military forces, all civilian employees and contractors, all embassies and consulates in the affected 'third-world ratholes.'  The extreme MUSLIMS--whether 'terrorists' or not--are making it blatantly obvious they don't like us; don't like our freedoms; don't like our successes; don't like our way-of-life!!
    "Clown Prince" obama--as the smartest Nobel Peace Laureate in the room--continues to excuse the actions of a disenfranchised Islamic people who seek the death'n'destruction of anyone not adhering to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed.  While some come in peace, a seemingly major number of followers are intent on carrying out the modern interpretation of said prophet's desire for an islamic WORLD, by the force of murder if necessary.  obama's 2009 "Apologize for American Success" WorldWide Tour, coupled with obama's bowing'n'scraping before every third-world rathole dictator, coupled with obama's on-going tepid responses to the murderous goings-on within said ratholes, coupled with obama's always-failing foreign policy, coupled with obama's contributory failed domestic economic and energy policies have opened the United States to more disrespect and denegration than any previous president or ruler!!
    Each and every failure--be they domestic or international--"Clown Prince" obama has foisted upon the country and it's legal citizens has a contributory affect on the entire scenario of national governance. 
For instance, the obama regime's foreign policy is little more than
"apologies, world-wide followed by tepid responses to any and all radical MUSLIM terrorists' destructive, murderous activities." 
obama has continually supported lop-sided  outsourcing of American jobs; failed to even muster any lukewarm complaints against tariffs on imported American products while these several nations subsidize associated industries.  These obama regime actions do nothing except support the destruction of American jobs; the destruction of America's small-to-medium companies.
For instance, the obama regime continues to demonstrate amateurish, less-than-basic knowledge of both national and international economic actions, solutions.  Is the boy-ruler any less the amateur when he supports a Ben Bernanke solution to the failed obama economy while Mr Bernanke's simultaneously hoping to support the obama re-immaculation efforts?!?  Remember Albert Einstein's definition of insanity??  That's someone who continues to take the same actions, expecting different results!!  Given that TARP didn't work as designed; given that the $787 Billion PORKulus program didn't work as designed; given that QE1 didn't work as designed; given that QE2 didn't work as designed, only the combined insanity of Ben Bernanke--who, back in 1988 admitted that quantative easing doesn't work--and "Clown Prince" obama would believe the latest QE3 is gonna work as designed!!  This continual 'amateurish tinkering' with the U.S. economy forces the socio-fascist, federal 'spend-freaks' to continue borrowing on the international markets, further mortgaging the futures of a multitude of generations to come.
For instance, the obama regime had 'the perfect opportunity' to finally, partially institute a workable domestic engergy policy, but--as usual--they blew it with socio-facism.  Remember back in March when "Clown Prince" obama went to Cushing, Okla., for a photo op and blather opportunity?  After previously 'kicking-the-can-down-the-road' on northern and international sections of the "Keystone XL Pipeline" project, the "Clown Prince" decided to blather on at the Keystone-Cushing facility; a portion of the pipeline he can't control, or it would have already been scrapped!!  This--as with many other blather ops--is nothing more than another blatant attempt for an obama take-over of someone else's hard work!!  In his 'kicking-the-can-down-the-road,' the obama regime won't undertake the "Keystone XL Pipeline" question until the first-quarter of 2013; presuming his re-immaculation campaign is successful.
    The pipeline 'can-kicking' plays hand-in-hand with the age-old obama position on fossil fuels  in general.  Remember the 'boy-senator's' campaign statement on coal-fired power plants?  As president he'd bankrupt anyone who tried to build a new one! [Video here and here].  Instead, the obama Department of Energy approved loans and grants to more than fifteen failing or failed solar-energy companies; none of which is in business today!!  Not only does "Clown Prince" obama not have a clue on ANYTHING-Presidential, he'll use any calamity--any failed position--for political gain; anyone remember the Deepwater-Horizon drilling rig explosion!?!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!?!
Only 49 days left....!!
Til Nex'Time....



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