Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This'n'That; September Nineteenth #3; Empire Crumbling?

Is 'holder Empire' Crumbling?!?
    'General' eric holder is in control of his own empire, as authorized and supported by both the "Clown Prince" obama regime and The Bilderberg Group.  Within the obama regime, the holder Empire is responsible for pushing the socio-fascist ideology--either by hook or by crook--throughout the government, throughout the American legal system, throughout the nation.
    Of late, several mishaps have befallen said Empire
Most recently, the fact that his Department of Justice has been colluding with George Soros' media matters organization--via numerous emails--to firm up their joint control over the nation pamphleteer corpse's (for benefit of the "Clown Prince") pro-regime narrative.
Who can forget the infamous "Fast 'n' Furious" gun-running program inwhich both 'General' holder and "Clown Prince" obama are directly and personally responsible for the deaths of both Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata as well as the deaths of over 200 Mexican nationals! 
Of the 2,500 guns involved, only 600 have been recovered to date.
The obama regime, the 'General' holder DoJ, the ATF, have yet to officially notifiy the Mexican Attorney General of the "Fast 'n' Furious" illegal gun running operation, nor have they apologized for said Mexican nationals' deaths.
    The many 'General' holder "shortcomings" have been accumulating almost since the obama 2009 immaculation.  Both holder and Greg Craig--former barackingham Palace Counsel--advised the "Clown Prince" to announce the closing of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, long before any feasible studies had been conducted.  They had to walk that one back
Then there was the holder decision to release classified DoJ memos concerning the CIA radical MUSLIM terrorist interrogation methods.  holder reopened criminal investigations into those topics after everybody's-whose-anybody in the intelligence community told him it was a phucked up idea.  After two years of absolutely no accomplishments, he had to walk that one back
Then there was holder's amateurish mishandling of the 'Christmas Day Bomber' by ordering said radical MUSLIM bomber Abdulmutallab after only 50 minutes of interrogation.  Not only did this shortened interrogation cost the United States possibly valuable intelligence, the whole incident was instrumental in Scott Brown's (R-Ma) election to the Senate, thus 'blowing-up' obama's filibuster-proof Senate. holder had to walk this one back too.
Then there's holder's amateurish attempt to try Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed and others in a New York City federal court.  Due to the resultant firestorm of outrage from many New York City officials as well as the general public, the regime had to walk this one back as well.  In the 'walk-back,' the regime was forced to resume "military commission trials" at Guantanamo for these and future radical MUSLIM terrorists.
How about when holder withdrew the lawsuit against the New Black Panthers for violating the Voting Rights Act with their acts of voter intimidation?
How about when holder verified he's "the greatest dumb-ass lawyer in the room" by suing the State of Arizona over their highly popular immigration law?  This amateurish attempt to protect illegal aliens, cost two-of-three democratics their legislative seats.
    One of the NEGATIVE outcomes of an obama re-immaculation is the possibility probability that 'General' holder will find life-time employment as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court.  Given his complete denegration of the U.S. Constitution thusfar as the nation's top lawyer, what kind of planned destruction would the populus be subject to when he's given a position from which he can only be removed through the impeachment process.
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Verdammte Arschloch!
Only 48 days left....
Til Nex'Time....




Nameless Cynic said...

Awww, I'm sorry your paranoid rantings keep getting proven wrong. You know, like the fact the Eric Holder had no idea about the "Fast and Furious" program.

Since the report was due out today, maybe you should have held off before posting this particularly laughable whine.

Justin Case said...

Well, if I were the DoJ Inspector General, I might insure MY BOSS suffered no 'blood-splatter' from F'n'F; Nah, I wouldn't--
There comes a point--that neither "Clown Prince" obama nor 'General' holder will acknowledge--when 'the buck must stop'....traditionally, socio-fascists admit fault no matter how many fingers point their way!!
That being said, Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and over 200 Mexican nationals ARE STILL DEAD!! That blood-spill is all over obama's and holder's hands!!

Justin Case said...

....NEVER admit fault....