Friday, November 2, 2012

This'n'That; November Second #1; Either-Or!!

Either Accept Non-Union Help OR Quit Pissin'n'Moanin'!!
    I'm usually up by 4AM and start my day with listening to radio stations--via the internet-- from WBAP (Ft Worth-Dallas), to KLIK (Jefferson City, Mo), to WRVA (Richmond, Va) and on and on.  In practically every newscast on practically every station, they feature some 60-something lady--somewhere in New Jersey--whining about she's been out of power for 3 days and the government better get off their collective asses and restore it!!
    Now it comes the news that VOLUNTEER power crews from Decatur Power, Decatur, Al., were refused permission to help in Seaside Heights, N.J. 
They're not union!
Lady: Do ya want your power restored or not?!?
If I were you, I'd be in city hall verbally-figuratively and physically be kicking someone's ass!! 
How ludicrous is that?!? 
Help-is-help, whether they're forced to donate to "Clown Prince" obama's re-immaculation campaign, or not!!
Til Nex'Time....



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