Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Ya Can't Fix Stupid" on November 13th

The Next 'Unfixable' Individual
    I nominate Bill Kristol--editor of The Weekly Standard--who seems to be back-sliding into socio-fascism.  This 'Kristol-ism' is from last Sunday's FoxNews Sunday:
"Elections have consequences....  The leadership in the Republican Party and the leadership in the conservative movement has to pull back, let people float new ideas.  Let's have a serious debate.  Don't scream and yell when one person says
'You know what?  It won't kill the country if we raise taxes alittle bit on millionaires.' 
It really won't, I don't think.  I don't really understand why Republicans don't take obama's offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000.  Make it $500,000--make it a million.  Really?  The Republican Party's going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires?  Half of whom vote democratic, and half of whom live in Hollywood, and are hostile to Republican principles?"
    Come ON, Billy!!  You can't possibly be as stupid as the guy we saw on tv!!  We're guaranteed to be beaten over the head with the pending new rulings from the EPA, and yet you want no defense of liberty, freedom and the free-market system?!?  If the regime were to take every dam' dime of wealth--NOT just income.... turn 'em into paupers overnight!--the government would run for LESS THAN A MONTH!!
    A more-likely scenario would be for the working-class to go "John Galt" on the entire system!!  For a year or so, the 51% that are still 'pushing the wagon' should stop work, file for welfare; file for foodstamps; file for Medicaid; file for unemployment; file for housing assistance; file for heat assistance--come on 'RATs, help me out here, I've never taken a dam' dime I didn't earn!!  As with Mr Galt's objectives, this scheme would cause the collapse of the socio-fascist obama Regime!!
    So.... Mr Bill Kristol's less-than-brilliant suggestion earns him the exalted position of being the SECOND
"Ya Can't Fix Stupid!!"
Til Nex'Time....
Illustration: http://www.cafepress.com/+you_cant_fix_stupit_large_mug,719708881



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