Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This'n'That; December Fourth #1; A New Perspective

The Russian Prospective Via Their Pravda News
    I've had this site in my 'favorites' for some time.  I occasionally check it for reactions to events in the American political scene.  I found this article, this morning which clearly explains what neither the obamacRATics nor the republicRATics understand or admit to.
To put readers of this blog in the right frame of mind, I'll quote the Pravda article's entire first paragraph:
"Once upon a time there once was a country so beautiful with spacious skies, with purple mountain majesties where everyone sang 'God shed his grace on thee.'  It promoted freedom of religion and allowed Christianity to grow.  It gave opportunities for everyone to better themselves in education and create businesses that not only  made them rich but allowed those in proverty to prosper and become middle class citizens.  It became the richest country in the world and millions immigrated to this land.  On the other side of the world was an evil government that enslaved its people.  It saw this nation as a threat to its plan of world domination but knew conquering it could never be done militarily 'Before we can assume power we must corrupt,' they said."  [bold emphasis, mine]
    The article continues to "hit-the-nail-on-the-head" in explaining the corruption of the United States' morals, religious freedoms, liberties, rights, et al.  To do the article--and it's philosophy--justice, I'd have to quote--verbatim--each and every paragraph!  The Pravda article concludes....
"But the fight for our planet, physical and spiritual, a fight of cosmic proportions, is not a vague matter of the future; it has already started.  The forces of Evil have begun their decisive offensive, you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses.  What is the joy about?"
   If you're interested in the Russian perspective--as a possible current and future friend or foe, you'd do well to read the four page entirety of this article.  There's alot being said in the comments section; the American communists 'go haywire' with theirs--and The Bilderberg Group's and "Clown Prince" obama's--objectives revealed!!
Your thoughts?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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