Friday, December 7, 2012

This'n'That; December Seventh #1; Pearl Harbor

Lest We Forget....
    It's been seventy-one--count'em..71--years, today since the Japanese attacked the U.S. Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii!  During that attack heros sprang up seemingly out of nowhere.  Although they were ineffective against a surprise attack, those heros did what they could for their fellow man.  During that attack:
2,402 KIA, and
1,282 WIA, and
9 ships sunk, and
21 ships severely damaged.
    Given the pathetic average educational condition of the American public school, soon will be the time that this will be 'edited out' of the history books in favor of politically correct rememberances of the Japanese nation.
Til Nex'Time....



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