Friday, February 8, 2013

This'n'That; February Eighth #1; Where Were They?

obama And "Rob'em" Clinton Were Hiding!
    Most of us on the conservative; on the constitutionalist side were asking on the where'bouts of "Clown Prince" obama and Hillary Rob'em Clinton during the State Department inspired "Benghazi Murders" as well as the hours, days and weeks after.  Well, the dude--or dudette--who authors the Reaganite Republican is saying that 'Rookie-Senator' Ted Cruz (R-Tx) got it out'ta Leon Panetta during recent Senate hearings.  Mr/Miz "Reaganite" does a far-better job than I, so you can read about the "Senate-Crucification" here!
Your comments?
Til Nex'Time....
Reference "Lie- Barry:"



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