Thursday, December 18, 2008

This'n'That; December 18th [NY Budget;Econ Slavery]

Did Paterson Attend the "Rob'em-Clinton" School Of Obfuscation? Well, here we are.... I've had the evening to think about Paterson's budget proposal. Do we really have to contend with ANOTHER DOLT[biden,as well]?? I gotta admit..... Paterson's got plenty of testicular fortitude!! With unmitigated gall, his proposal not only DOES NOT reduce spending, but actually INCREASES state spending by $1.3Billion [1.1%]. In recent Paterson speeches, he tries to make us believe he doesn't know when the next bottle of Chteau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac-1996 will arrive at the Executive Mansion. While he says the "huddled masses" must tighten their belts, Mr Paterson continues on his spending spree!! The state workforce will be reduced by 521 souls, equalling a paltry 0.25%; Yup, one-quarter of one percent!! On toppa that.... He gave all the "Welfare Rats" a 10% raise for sitting on their dead asses!! When was the last time you gotta raise anywhere near 10%?? Can't he realize that The New Deal and The Great Society actually held back those in the bottom tier of the American economy/workforce?? And now he wants to ensure it's continuation with the proposed raise. Living on the dole not only creates soap-opera aficionados, but stifles the work ethic and the will to succeed!! Welfare rewards society's non-producers and promotes slavery of another sort. The recipients are tied to those politicians who provide the funds which control a docile segment of the population. Instead of working for shelter, clothing and "a sack of potatoes," they figuratively "stand in line for the handout." At least, if they were of a mind to, the actual slaves in America's past could take pride in their mates, the children they raised/were raising, a job well done, etc. What pride is to be taken in "Standing in line for a handout??" Paterson as well as most other liberal Democrats on any level, hopes to continue if not grow, the numbers of recipients on into perpetuity, creating a dependency on the gov't for their every want and need-hence CONTROL[Economic Slavery]!! Sorting Out The Budget Proposal Paterson's Folly will now: ###Make [for fee] downloads of music, movies, books, photos, games and other electronic entertainment subject to state and local sales taxes. ###Increase tuition at SUNY and CUNY schools by 14%. ###Eliminate a NYC personal income tax credit aimed at renters. ###Restore the sales tax on clothing and shoe purchases under $110. ###Add sales tax to hair cuts and fitness club memberships. ###Add sales tax to movie and sports events. ###Add sales tax to Taxis and buses. ###Add sales tax to cable and satellite TV and the growing satellite radio market. ###End the max limit on the gasoline tax. ###Increase the wine excise tax to 51 cents/gallon from 18.9 cents. ###Increase the beer excise tax to 24 cents/gallon from 11.0 cents. ###Increase the cigar tax to 16 cents per cigar. ###Increase the tax on flavored malt beverages. ###Increase fees for vehicle registration by $11. ###Increase fees for first-time and renewal of drivers' licenses by 25%. ###Require everyone to get new license plates [tags] for $25 [+$10]. ###Add a new fee of $50 for driver training books. ###Add a new 18% tax on fruit drinks [with less than 70% fruit juice] and non-diet soft drinks. ###Increase tuition for state DEC education camps by 30%. ###Force Internet reatailers to charge sales tax on New York transactions. ###The aforementioned miniscule workforce reduction. ###Formulate a smaller pension for newer local and state gov't employees by: raising retirement age from 55 to 62; by requiring recent hires [Tier V] to make pension contributions after their 10th year of gov't employment; the exclusion of overtime in calculating pension benefits. How-the-Hell are we supposed to tighten our belts?? Til Nex'time.......



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