.....a Nation Of Cowards....?
[ ....a Nation of Cowards....?....a NATION OF COWARDS?!?! I gotta be right up front about this: I DID NOT "drink the kool-aid;" I DID NOT believe the "Campaign of Fluff," that being said; in this blog, I had intended {and still do,} to treat this administration and his handlers honestly and fairly. After being called a coward by the Attorney General and by extension, the President, the gloves are off!! Both individuals can KISS MY FUZZY WHITE ASS!!!! I am NOT a COWARD on the topic of racism or any other!! Both offices deserve respect and they have mine!! The individuals occupying them are beneath contempt!!! They will be treated thus. mister holder's speech is certainly "white-sided," laying the blame for the lack of a Utopian society squarely at the feet of the majority. Have ya ever tried to have a conversation with someone who can't figure out how to keep his pants up or her top down {of ANY race}? Society has changed. We all have to get used to it. Children no longer get "home training" that you and I got. That has to be laid at the feet of the socialist democrats, from their Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 to the current porkulus bill that gives the welfare recipients a 15-17% "pay raise" for NOT WORKING.] WASHINGTON -- Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues.
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.
Holder's speech echoed President Barack Obama's landmark address last year on race relations during the hotly contested Democratic primaries, when the then-candidate urged the nation to break "a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years" and bemoaned the "chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races." Holder cited that speech by Obama as part of the motivation for his words Wednesday. "If we're going to ever make progress, we're going to have to have the guts, we have to have the determination, to be honest with each other. It also means we have to be able to accept criticism where that is justified," Holder told reporters after the speech.
Race, Holder said, "is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable... In a country founded by slave owners, race has bedeviled the nation throughout its history, with blacks denied the right to vote just a few decades ago. Obama's triumph last November as well as the nomination of Holder stand as historic achievements of two black Americans.
Even when people mix at the workplace or afterwork social events, Holder argued, many Americans in their free time are still segregated inside what he called "race-protected cocoons."
"Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ significantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago. This is truly sad," said Holder.
Andrew Grant-Thomas, Deputy Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University, said the wording of the speech may alienate some.
"He's right on the substance, but that's probably not the most politic way of saying it. I'm certain there are people who will hear him and say, 'That's obnoxious,"' he said, adding that what was missing from Holder's speech were specific examples of what painful subjects need to be addressed.
More On "FUBO"
[Info below was copied from WHAM Radio's website: www.wham1180.com home page, author: Bob Lonsberry.] In generations past they had "Don't Tread On Me" and "Remember the Alamo," and today we have FUBO. What's it mean? It means that you want your country back. That you're not a socialist, that you don't want to pay your neighbors' mortgage, that you are tired of big-government bailouts. Stand up and be counted -- and use your First Amendment before they apply the Fairness Doctrine to t-shirts and bumper stickers[!]
[Info below was copied from ART TO SHIRT's website: www.artoshirt.net/servlet/the-FUBO/categories . If you're from-or in-the area, their facility is located at 1916 Lyell Ave., Rochester, N.Y., 14606]Call Anytime between 8am and 6pm Monday through Friday(eastern time) - 1-800-836-2413. Art to shirt is a locally owned and managed company located in Rochester, NY. We specialize in printed garments, as well as other printed promotional products. We have been in the industry for over 17 years, and we are finally on the scene in the dot com world. We have a fully trained and experienced staff of 20 people ranging from 2-10 years with the company, and some with 10-20 years of experience in the industry. We pride ourselves in quality printing on quality products and are proud of our ability to stay on the cutting edge in the printing industry. We will be adding extra features over the next few months, so come back regularly.You can contact us at:orders@artoshirt.net or by phone at (800) 836-2413. [On his program of Friday, 02/20, Bob Lonsberry mentioned that {and I didn't hear the whole segment,} some individuals and/or organizations had threatened to picket the tee-shirt place on Lyell Ave. I didn't hear if anything has been planned and if so, when it will take place....]
Economy Trashed In 30 Days!
The Dow Jones Industrial Average [DJIA; the DOW] is a respected forcaster of economic conditions and future actions. I've found some historic closing quotes to indicate that Nerobama's handlers have really screwed up this time!!!
11/05/2008-Election Day....................DOW=9,139.27;
12/26/2008-Day after Christmas.........DOW=8,515.55;
01/02/2009-1st Business Day,2009....DOW=9,034.69;
01/20/2009-Inauguration Day............DOW=7,949.09;
02/04/2009-Exec Pay Restrictions......DOW=7,956.66;
02/06/2009-Econ Advisory Bd...........DOW=8,280.59;
02/17/2009-Porkulus Signed..............DOW=7,552.60;
02/18/2009-$75Bln Mort Bailout.......DOW=7,555.63;
02/20/2009-[3PM].............................DOW=7367.11; [This is the LOWEST DOW reading in the past SIX YEARS!!] What this actually means to you and I is that Nerobama is destroying the America that you and I grew up in!! ANY investments you have, for the most part, are practically nil as compared to a year ago. Our IRAs, Education Savings Accounts, 401Ks and regular investments ARE IN THE TOILET... and who do we have to thank..... NEROBAMA!!!
Will An Economic Uprising Be Necessary?
Here's a bit of history as to what happens when America and Americans become fed-up with harsh policies, confiscatory taxes and generally being trod upon. Prior to the American Revolution, Americans were nearly taxed out of existence: Hat Act [1732]; Molasses Act [1733]; Iron Act [1750]; Sugar Act [1764]; Currency Act [1764]; Quartering Act [1765]; Stamp Act of 1765; Townsend Acts of 1767; Tea Act of 1773. These taxes were deemed necessary by King George III because the Pound Sterling had fallen considerably in value and the British citizens themselves were suffering all the taxes they could. The colonists were being punished for their secessenist attitudes and in part due to their success. Much is the same today, those who diligently paid their mortgages and taxes while the value of their homes dropped like a rock, are being pushed for "doing the right thing." The American public.... at least that portion who play by the rules.... are being penalized by the federal government. These poor souls and their descendents ad infinitum, will have to shoulder the expense due to policies initially generated BY PAST DEMOCRAT ADMINISTRATIONS: The Community ReInvestment Act of 1977 during the Carter years. In Congressional debate on the Act, critics charged that the law would "distort credit markets, create unnecessary regulatory burden, lead to unsound lending, and cause the governmental agencies charged with implementing the law to allocate credit. During "Slick-Willie's" tenure in the White House, his Secretary of Housing and Urban Destruction-Andrew Cuomo demanded that the credit rules be loosened so that those who would NEVER QUALIFY under the current ones-would then be qualified to buy houses. Add to the housing issue the socialist policies instituted by Nerobama; auto company bailouts; bank bailouts; $787BILLION Porkulus legislation that's 93% PORK!! The Porkulus panders primarily to the members of Congress and to those who "sit on their dead asses, collecting my money!!" A true definition of the Porkulus Package is: Buying votes for democrats-paid for by the hard-working middleclass!! Sounds like the general public better develop massive amounts of TESTICULAR FORTITUDE. This socialist crap ain't gonna stop 'til WE REFUSE TO PLAY OR PAY!!! Support "FUBO"-Get your tee-shirt today!!! The Revolutionary War began when armed conflict between British regulars and colonial militiamen broke out in New England in April 1775. After a year of fighting, the colonies declared their independence from the Crown as "free and independent States" in July 1776, and listed grievances against the British King, legislature, and populace. Among George's other offenses, the Declaration charged, "He has abdicated Government here ... He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people." The gilded equestrian statue of George III in New York was pulled down. The British captured the city in 1776, but the grand strategic plan of invading from Canada failed with the surrender of the British Lieutenant-General Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga. George III is often accused of obstinately trying to keep Great Britain at war with the revolutionaries in America, despite the opinions of his own ministers. In the words of Victorian authors, the King was determined "never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be eternal." The King wanted to "keep the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence and remorse".
It appears that Nerobama has taken a page out of King George's play book..... have ya ever heard him make any utterance of a positive nature?? Keep fear close at hand with all the negative comments. The socialist media is certainly in lock-step with him!!
Til Nex-Time....
Til Nex'Time....
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