Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; April 3rd

A Patriotic Response to the "Clown Prince" 04/03/2010

The White House
April 3, 2009

   This is a week of faithful celebration. On Monday and Tuesday nights, Jewish families and friends in the United States and around the world gathered for a Seder to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of hope and perseverance over injustice and oppression. On Sunday, my family will join other Christians all over the world in marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
   And while we worship in different ways, we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all – Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike.
   Amid the storm of public debate, with our 24/7 media cycle, in a town like Washington that’s consumed with the day-to-day, it can sometimes be easy to lose sight of the eternal. So, on this Easter weekend, let us hold fast to those aspirations we hold in common as brothers and sisters, as members of the same family – the family of man.
[What I'm not telling you:  You should already know by now, that ANYTHING I do--I do for the single purpose of my own advancement!!   This 'church thingie'.... just for the photo-op... nothing else!! 
Yes, we're all apart of the family of man.  This family is broken into at least two groups; the ruling class [the 'haves'] and the serf class [the 'have-nots'].  I've spend most of the last fourteen months widening the divide between the classes.  See how it works:  You believe the preponderance of my bullshit--then I "screw your ass to the wall!!"   Case-in-point:  obamaCare;  this legislation was 'bribery-in-action,"  with absolutely NO transperency what-so-ever!!  It was purposely written to provide the following:
  • Vague enough that it can {and WILL} be continually amended to control more and more of the American daily life.
  • Includes the phraseology to preclude it ever being overturned [although that is probably unconstitutional, it makes for good debate.   
  • Purposely has the taxes and penalties front-end loaded, while the benefits take up to 10 years to become fully in force.  That way this fascistity {a new word-write it down; means a dictatorial democracy [everyone has a vote-so long as it agrees with mine!]}
See how that works?  I not only screw your ass to the wall, I charge you for the priviledge!!  You think  that we're not gonna find another give-away project to fund with alll that tax and penalty money we've collected, prior to providing THE FIRST SERVICE?!?!]
    All of us know how important work is – not just for the paycheck, but for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can provide for your family. As Americans, and as human beings, we seek not only the security, but the sense of dignity, the sense of community, that work confers. That is why it was heartening news that last month, for the first time in more than two years, our economy created a substantial number of jobs, instead of losing them. We have begun to reverse the devastating slide, but we have a long way to go to repair the damage from this recession, and that will continue to be my focus every single day.
   All of us value our health and the health of our loved ones. All of us have experienced an illness, a loss, a personal tragedy. All of us know that no matter what we’re doing or what else is going on in our lives, if the health of someone we love is endangered, nothing else matters. Our health is the rock upon which our lives are built, for better and for worse.
   All of us value education. We know that in an economy as competitive as ours, an education is a prerequisite for success. But we also know that ultimately, education is about something more, something greater. It is about the ability that lies within each of us to rise above any barrier, no matter how high; to pursue any dream, no matter how big; to fulfill our God-given potential.
   All of us are striving to make a way in this world; to build a purposeful and fulfilling life in the fleeting time we have here. A dignified life. A healthy life. A life, true to its potential. And a life that serves others. These are aspirations that stretch back through the ages – aspirations at the heart of Judaism, at the heart of Christianity, at the heart of all of the world’s great religions.
[What I'm not telling you: Again, just so much drivel!!  More lip service to jobs, health and education.  If I truely cared about any of these, I would have approached them from another direction!  If I truly cared about the country and it's inhabatants, I would have:
  • Rather than concentrate on my legacy of obamaCare, I would have made JOBS and the economy my first priority.  The best way to create jobs and strengthen the economy is to CUT TAXES and review federal rules and regulations for applicability; eliminating or rewritting those that interfere with the growth {return of} the economy.
  • Then, instead of federal control of as many aspects of education as possible; return it's administration and finance to the lowest governmental level as possible--as far down as the county or local school district!!
  • Lastly, instead of the complete destruction of the best health care system on the planet; incrementally make improvements--bearing in mind the preferences of the taxpayer, the medical community and the health care recipient.
  With the front-loading of taxes and penalties, the congress and the fascistity has just that much more money to piss away.  These monies will go into the General Fund which means there's no allocation by which to spend the added funds.  This will all be spent prior to it's being needed to pay for the health care benefits I've promised you.  That means more borrowing, which means a greater deficit, which means even further destruction of the economy and America's standing in the international community.]
   The rites of Passover, and the traditions of Easter, have been marked by people in every corner of the planet for thousands of years. They have been marked in times of peace, in times of upheaval, in times of war.
   One such war-time service was held on the black sands of Iwo Jima more than sixty years ago. There, in the wake of some of the fiercest fighting of World War II, a chaplain rose to deliver an Easter sermon, consecrating the memory, he said “of American dead – Catholic, Protestant, Jew. Together,” he said, “they huddled in foxholes or crouched in the bloody sands…Together they practiced virtue, patriotism, love of country, love of you and of me.” The chaplain continued, “The heritage they have left us, the vision of a new world, [was] made possible by the common bond that united them…their only hope that this unity will endure.”
[What I'm not telling you:  Those American principles so fiercely defended on foreign lands during World War II...... not much meaning there for me....  I'll never admit anywhere else.... but, hey.... it's just you and I talkin', right??  My primary desire is the stature, photo-ops and the political chits I'm amassing as the "Clown Prince!!"  After I've been severely drubbed in the next election, I'll have all this to fall back on, much like 'Slick-Willie' Clinton.  You know, speaking fees, book advances, corporate board seats, etc..... anything to advance my wealth-which I've severely restricted you from attaining!!] 
Their only hope that this unity will endure.
   On this weekend, as Easter begins and Passover comes to a close, let us remain ever mindful of the unity of purpose, the common bond, the love of you and of me, for which they sacrificed all they had; and for which so many others have sacrificed so much. And let us make its pursuit – and fulfillment – our highest aspiration, as individuals and as a nation. Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all those celebrating, here in America, and around the world.



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