Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This'n'That; July Seventh [Freedoms;Debt=Wealth]

We're ALL Being 'Duped' On A Daily Basis!
    Since "Clown Prince" obama was selected to be elected, he's been figuratively "throwing shit against the wall;" what ever stuck is what his Handler Group had him run with!  His supporters in the congress have been 'duped,' believing that--just maybe--he had the best interests of the country at heart... not so much!! 
    One of the primary dupes is Joe Lieberman of Connecticut--that fascist independent in obamacRAT clothing.  Lieberman doesn't have a clue as to what's going on, he's just another 'yes-man' for the current fascist regime.  Lieberman is a staunch backer of the "internet kill switch" just passed by the Senate.
This is just more blather from the obama Handler Group!!
The obama Handler Group seems to have convinced Lieberman and other Senate dupes, that the "kill switch" legislation is just clarifying previous presidential powers.  Lieberman is spouting the regime 'line' that the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act puts limits on presidential powers to "cause the closing of any facility or stations for wire communication in a time of war" as described in the Communications Act of 1934.

  • For the past ten years, data and voice communications have primarily been electronic [internet] NOT by wire.  If the Senate's objective is updating communications legislation, they've failed miserably!!
  • In the era of the 1934 legislation, 'war' was defined as "DECLARED war!!"  The regime, the obama Handler Group AND the congress might want to get ahold of an UNREVISED history book from the last century.  The United States has not been involved in a DECLARED war since the Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945 ending WWII!!  Check it out, LeRoy.... I'm RIGHT!! 
    This legislation combined with the recent TSA announcement that it will restrict access to websites expressing controversial opinions. is nothing more than the obama Handler Group continuing to trash the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!

Amount Of Blather=Amount Of Belief
Remember when "Slick Willie" was president??  Now, there was a president you knew was lyin' to ya!!!  As long as "Slick" stuck to his plan, he'd convince his 'blind followers' much like "Clown Prince" obama attempts, today.  Another convert to this philosophy is Rep {Fortney Hillman} "Pete" Stark, Jr., a California congressman {who actually lives in Maryland!!}.  Here is a portion of the text of an interview he gave in 2009:
  • STARK:  Is the national debt measures the wealth, well, the wealthier we are. The national debt, it's an indication of wealth of the country, you are right.
  •  INTERVIEWER: So the more you owe, the more you are worth?
  •  STARK: In federal account — in national scheme of things, that's quite right.

REMEMBER:  This guy ain't alone!!  The congress and the regime--even the Handler Group--are full of 'em!!  This is "obamaccounting" at it's finest!!

Til Nex'Time....



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