Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; November 20th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 11/20/2010
The White House

November 20, 2010

    Today, I’d like to speak with you about an issue that is fundamental to America’s national security: the need for the Senate to approve the New START Treaty this year.  This Treaty is rooted in a practice that dates back to Ronald Reagan. The idea is simple – as the two nations with over 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, the United States and Russia have a responsibility to work together to reduce our arsenals. And to ensure that our national security is protected, the United States has an interest in tracking Russia’s nuclear arsenal through a verification effort that puts U.S. inspectors on the ground. As President Reagan said when he signed a nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union in 1987, “Trust, but verify.”  That is precisely what the New START Treaty does. After nearly a full year of negotiations, we completed an agreement earlier this year that cuts by a third the number of long-range nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles that the United States and Russia can deploy, while ensuring that America retains a strong nuclear deterrent, and can put inspectors back on the ground in Russia.  The Treaty also helped us reset our relations with Russia, which led to concrete benefits. For instance, Russia has been indispensable to our efforts to enforce strong sanctions on Iran, to secure loose nuclear material from terrorists, and to equip our troops in Afghanistan.  All of this will be put to risk if the Senate does not pass the New START Treaty.
[What I'm not telling you:  Important areas of nuclear offensive and defensive weapons are NOT addressed by this proposed treaty:  Chinese nor Iranian capabilities--just to name but two!!  The Chinese will soon overtake The United States in productivity; who's to say they'll not overtake both countries in nuclear stockpiles??  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is much like myself--a blithering idiot--but could he not be truthful in his threats concerning nuclear weapons??   The memory of President Ronald Reagan has been invoked as a feeble attempt by the obama Handler Group to paint me as "loving and supporting"  The United States and it's constitution.   NOTHING could be farther from the truth as my past actions verify--George Soros had that line programmed into the teleprompter. 
 {*}   I would be remiss if I didn't admit that few communists--including those in the congress-- do anything without a hidden agenda; without expecting something in return, i.e., all this alleged 'help' The United States has beeen given relating to Iran, the terrorists and our war in Afganistan.  We're just waiting for 'the other shoe to fall!']
{**}    Without ratification this year, the United States will have no inspectors on the ground, and no ability to verify Russian nuclear activities. So those who would block this treaty are breaking President Reagan’s rule – they want to trust, but not verify.
{"Ronaldus-Magnus***,"--as Mister Reagan is known in some conservative circles--was a true president of The United States; his love of country and support of the constitution is matched by dam' few in modern history!! He was not--as I am--self-proclaimed 'royalty.'  (There I go again, off SOROS-prompter!!)}
Without ratification, we put at risk the coalition that we have built to put pressure on Iran, and the transit route through Russia that we use to equip our troops in Afghanistan. And without ratification, we risk undoing decades of American leadership on nuclear security, and decades of bipartisanship on this issue. Our security and our position in the world are at stake.  Indeed, since the Reagan years, every President has pursued a negotiated, verified, arms reduction treaty. And every time that these treaties have been reviewed by the Senate, they have passed with over 85 votes. Bipartisan support for New START could not be stronger. It has been endorsed by Republicans from the Reagan Administration and both Bush Administrations – including Colin Powell, George Shultz, Jim Baker, and Henry Kissinger. And it was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by a strong bipartisan vote of 14-4.
[What I'm not telling you:  '...without ratification this year...'  This crap is reminiscent of 'TARP,' the PORKulus (union) bailouts and that monument to myself: obamaCare!!  Everything that 'smelled of socialism' had to be approved before anyone had the opportunity to delve into the gruesome details.  If this treaty is truly a benefit to The United States as a whole, it will stand the test of time and minute scrutiny!!  So much that the obama Handler Group has pushed through Congress can not, will not, should not; stand the test of time.  As with nearly all previous legislation, Soros and 'the Group' need a "rush job" before the pundits and the general public has a chance at even the most cursory of reviews!!
    Even while speaking to 'bipartisanship' I envoke the usual 'warfare between the classes,' be they the ruling class vs the serf class; the rich vs the poor; black vs non-black.... well, you can see what's happening here:  the usual blather with an underlying agenda!!  obamaCare will not stand the test of time; there must be other legislation that I can claim as a victory-a monument to myself.  If my regime truly thinks that the New START Treaty is beneficial, why not garner even greater bipartisan support by waiting until the 'Tea Party Victors' are seated in the 112th Congress?!?!]
    Over the last several months, several questions have been asked about New START, and we have answered every single one. Some have asked whether it will limit our missile defense – it will not. Some, including Senator Jon Kyl, have asked that we modernize our nuclear infrastructure for the 21st century – we are doing so, and plan to invest at least $85 billion in that effort over the next ten years – a significant increase from the Bush Administration.  Finally, some make no argument against the Treaty – they just ask for more time. But remember this: it has already been 11 months since we’ve had inspectors in Russia, and every day that goes by without ratification is a day that we lose confidence in our understanding of Russia’s nuclear weapons. If the Senate doesn’t act this year – after six months, 18 hearings, and nearly a thousand questions answered – it would have to start over from scratch in January.
    The choice is clear: a failure to ratify New START would be a dangerous gamble with America’s national security, setting back our understanding of Russia’s nuclear weapons, as well as our leadership in the world. That is not what the American people sent us to Washington to do.  There is enough gridlock, enough bickering. If there is one issue that should unite us – as Republicans and Democrats – it should be our national security.  Some things are bigger than politics. As Republican Dick Lugar said the other day, “Every Senator has an obligation in the national security interest to take a stand, to do his or her duty.”  Senator Lugar is right. And if the Senate passes this treaty, it will not be an achievement for Democrats or Republicans – it will be a win for America.
[What I'm not telling you: If The United States has not had inspectors on the ground, in Russia for the last eleven months, what possible negative result can another 45-50 DAYS have?!?!  Some in the Congress seem to have reservations in my pledge to spend an average $8.5BILLION per year in the modernization of our nuclear arsenal, and rightly so!!  One need only to look at the nation's border security to verify those reservations:  The Justice Department's lawsuit against the State of Arizona's attempts at reduction of illegal immigration into The United States across her borders as but one example of my regime's lack of concern!!  This lawsuit is clear illustration of the regime practically opening our southern border to 'any and all comers!!  Granted, nuclear attack would nearly guarantee physical annihilation; the increasing numbers of illegal immigrants are practically guaranteeing our economic annihilation!!]

***The "Ronaldus-Magnus" title was coined (on his radio program) by Mister Rush Limbaugh, one of President Reagan's most ardent supporters.



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