Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This'n'That; January Eighteenth [The "Clown Prince" Sues Again]

"Clown Prince" QUIETLY Suing More States
    While "Clown Prince" obama was 'making nicey-nice' at the Soros/obama Arizona 'Tragic' Memorial Pep Rally, members of his regime announced they were going to sue four more states; this time to force them to accept 'card-check' results!  Those four states are Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah.  
    Last November--when voters were handing the obamacRATics their asses--they also approved their individual state constitutional amendments which gave all employees the right to a secret ballot election when deciding whether to unionize. The elections were lopsided blowouts that set back the labor cause. Voters approved the measures by:
■60 percent in Utah;

■61 percent in Arizona;
■79 percent in South Dakota
■86 percent in South Carolina.

The methodology to rule by fiat; The National Labor Relations Board contends that the states' referenda violate federal law--two points to remember here:
(1)  The NLRB is under the fascist-dictatorial control of ex-SEIU union legal thug--Craig Becker;
(2)  The regime continues to ignore those parts of the Constitution that don't serve their dictatorship. 
In this case, the Tenth Amendment which states:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
No where in the aforementioned document can the regime thugs point out their authority to continue to rule by ancillary appointment!
   Ya can't make this shit up; it gets even better as it goes on!!  The affected states' Attorneys General were sent a series of extortion letters, {URL, below} each signed by Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon, by Eric Moskowitz, ASS't General Counsel, and Abby Simms, Deputy General Counsel.  This Nazi-esque action threatened legal action by some piece of fecal matter named Mark Eskenazi, presumably working at the behest of the NLRB.
{Blogger's Note:  Folks, I could continue to digest all the pap and write on this topic, but--your best information will come from the actual sources of the information; without my possible bias!!  It is my hope that each and every reader will do as I intend: email, snail-mail AND  call your senators and representatives-they're allowing these actions AGAINST the wishes of the majority, much like their voting on obamaKare!!}
(Original article:)
(Explanation of the 4 states' vote on 'card-check;')
(Tenth Amendment reference:)
(Additional references:)
(5) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704637704576082334037133042.html (6)http://floydreports.com/note-to-republicans-pull-the-plug-on-the-lame-duck-session/ 
(7-Secret Ballot Protection Act)
(8-NLRB Threatening letter to North Dakota's Att'y Gen w/copy of the North Dakota law:)
Til Nex'Time....



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