Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This'n'That; March Fifteenth #2; The New owe-bama "Road!"

owe-bama To Open Southern Border....
     owe-bama is making it painfully obvious that he cares not a wit for The United States of America!!  He steadfastly refuses to mount a defense--let alone any kind of offense--at our southern border, as illustrated by Soros' unresisted order that owe-bama and 'General' Holder bring suit against the State of Arizona for undertaking the federal government's obligation.  I've not paid a whole lot of attention to the 'birther' arguments concerning owe-bama's birthplace; birth certificate flap.  But, I gotta tell ya, the way this arschloch treats the citizens' basic needs-we have the same status as subjects of a tyrant ruler; treats the basic tenets of the Constitution; bows and scrapes for every thirdworld-rathole potentate-I wake up--and go to bed--hoping that someone proves he ain't of this country and throws his fuzzy, light-black 'arse' out of office, nay-OUT OF THE COUNTRY!!  He's done more damage in two short years than all the democRATs combined, since 'The New Deal!!'
    Now he's actually slapping you, me and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer right in the face!!   You may recall owe-bama announced that he and Calderon (his Mexican equivilant) had agreed to a new cross-border trucking agreement; even though many details are still be negotiated.
    For more information on this insult,  consult:
http://www.landlinemag.com/Special_Reports/2011/Mar/030311_CrossBorderTrucking.shtml  AND

    I gotta tell ya, folks:  as a retired OTR driver, I've seen these Mexican truckers 'in action,' and it ain't a pretty sight!!  They have no regard for human life; no regard for laws, rules or regulations; no regard for 'gringos' of any stripe-particularly law enforcement personnel!!
    Oh!! and another thing:  heavy trucks don't 'come from the factory' with electronic on-board recorders (EOBRs).  Some US companies install them to monitor their trucks' operations.  With this cross-border trucking agreement, Mexican trucks must have EOBRs installed AND the American taxpayer MUST pay for them!! (about $1,500 'a pop!!')
Til Nex'Time....



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