Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This'n'That; March Sixteenth #1; Dayton, Ohio PD

'General' Holder "Sticks It To" The Dayton Police Dep't!!
    'General' Holder--with the blessing of both George Soros and owe-bama--informed the Dayton, Ohio, police department that not enough of " people" qualified on one of the city's earlier police civil service tests!!  At that time, qualifying scores were 66% on Part One; 72% on Part Two; a 'D' and a 'C-minus.'
    owe-bama's Department of 'Social' Justice rejected the original scores because not enough of "....'General' Holder's people...." qualified!! To ensure enough of "....his people...." attained qualification, 'General' Holder ordered the minimum scores to be reduced to  58% on Part One; 63% on Part Two--that's  reductions of 8 points and 9 points, respectively.  Where I come from, the new minimums equal an 'F' and a 'D-minus'!!
    Not only does it gotta suck to be on the 'AWB' List, it's gotta really suck to be on the 'revised' list.  The Average White Boys (AWBs) have to feel slighted to have attained a passing grade under the more stringent requirements.  If I were one of the 'reviseds,'  I'd be really pissed to be held up by 'General' Holder as not the mental equal to the AWBs!!  Not only that--think what goes through the Field Training Officer's mind when he responds to a serious emergency with a rookie as his partner!!  How will he respond?!?  Will he 'have my back?!?'  That's not a position I'd like to be in!!
Til Nex'Time....



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