Friday, March 4, 2011

This'n'That; March Fourth [Barbour-obama;obama-Muslim]

"Clown Prince" Caught, YET AGAIN!
    As usual, the "Clown Prince" has put his political agenda ahead of the good of 'the masses!!'  Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour 'hauled obama's ass up the yardarm' on gas prices.  Governor Barbour accused obama and the other 'barackingham Palace' dupes of cheering the sharp rise in fuel prices.  Any sustained run-up in prices could urge the consumer to buy the ill-advised, un-affordable, ineffective Chevy Volt as an alternative to the SUVs now favored by the general public.  Governor Barbour suggested that obama also wants to see higher energy taxes that would lead to more expensive gasoline.  Some quotes:

  • Steven Chu (Now Secretary of the unnecessary Dep't of Energy):  In 2008,  Chu told The Wall Street Journal that energy prices were the lynchpin to an energy overhaul. "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," Chu said then.  (Mr Chu was arguing that higher costs per gallon could force investments in alternative fuels and spur cleaner energy sources.)
  • Secretary, Dep't of the Interior, "Cowboy" Ken Salazar:  "We are doing what we can in terms of domestic production," Salazar said, but "at end of the day ... what we can produce domestically will not have an impact in terms of the price of oil because it is set on the world market."

Clueless 'Cowboy' Ken, rather than hanging out in his office, should get out into the sunshine and see "how the other half lives!"   We are only under 'the Middle Eastern thumb' because your boss feels it necessary to 'roll-over-and-play-dead' whenever the Muslims or Islam is involved! Currently, 51% of US consumption is domestic oil.  To preclude your continued cluelessness; here's a few:  INCREASED domestic drilling permits=INCREASED domestic drilling=INCREASED percentage of domestic oil=DECREASED dependence on foreign oil=DECREASED Muslim influence on US foreign, energy, military, policies=DECREASED Middle Eastern 'ass-kissing' by obama!!  See how that works, Kenny?!?
[Note to future fascist campaign handlers: To 'shine a positive light on' your inept, inexperienced incompetent candidate(s); surround him/her/them  with more inept, more inexperienced, incompetents!!]

Tell Me, Again....
    Tell me again, how "Clown Prince" obama IS NOT A MUSLIM!?!  A blathering 'barackingham Palace' mouthpiece steps all over his tongue, trying to get out of admitting that obama is a MUSLIM; is a MUSLIM sympathizer; is a MUSLIM TERRORIST sympathizer!!! 
    The recent 'Frankfurt gunman (a young Kosovar named Arif Uka)' first talked to de-bussing passengers at the Frankfurt airport to determine who was American military and who wasn't.  He then yelled "Allahu akbar," ('God is great' in Arabic) and started shooting them!!  Had his gun not jammed, the death toll could have been far greater!{*}
    The TEPID obama response:  
{*}When Islamic terrorists attack Americans or American interests, the "Clown Prince" hides his head in the sand, or tries to spin it away from the Muslims! 
The perpetrator was a lone wolf; his motive was unclear; there are no links to terrorism.

When the public perception is against him, Soros trots obama out with orders to stiffen up his response: 
    The U.S. will spare no effort in finding out how the "outrageous" act took place and will ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Til Nex'Time....{**}Yea, right!!



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