Thursday, March 10, 2011

This'n'That; March Tenth [Coulter; King; Waivers]

I Could Not Have Said It Better!!

"In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure."  -Ann Coulter
Peter King Has 'It' Right
    In the current era of 'home-grown terrorism' and radical Islamists, Rep King has the right idea so long as he's not side-tracked by the 'national pamphleteers!  The Washington Post would like us to believe the primary question in all this is:{*}  Who-the-Hell cares?!?  The country is in the midst of a regime supported; Team Sorobama supported-emergency, potentially of huge and dire proportions!
{*}How should America talk about Muslim Americans?
    Aside from federal racism, the consequences of Muslim terrorism are the foremost--non-economic--problems facing The United States today.  The statistics may indicate a diminishing of terrorist acts but until terrorism is brought to a total of ZERO in America, the problem must be attacked with geat vigor; with all the assets available!
    A report from the 'Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security' indicates just that; the recorded acts of terrorism in the U.S., are diminishing:

(1)  The number of Muslim-Americans engaged in terrorist acts with domestic targets declined from 18 in 2009 to 10 in 2010. (2)  75% of the Muslim-Americans engaged in terrorist plots in 2010 were disrupted in an early stage of planning. This is consistent with the pattern of disruption since 9/11 (102 of 161 plots – 63% -- were disrupted at an early stage of planning).(3)  Less than one-third of the perpetrators did not come to the attention of law enforcement until after an attack was executed. However, a large majority of these Muslim-American terrorist activities (35 out of 46 individuals) took place outside the United States.(4)  Domestic plots by Muslim-Americans are more likely to be disrupted than foreign plots. 48 of 69 individuals that plotted against domestic targets were arrested at an early stage of their activities.(5)  Eleven Muslim-Americans have successfully executed terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11, killing 33 people. This is about 3 deaths per year. There have been approximately 150,000 murders in the United States since 9/11. According to the FBI there were approximately 15,241 murders in the United States in 2009.(6)  Tips from the Muslim-American community provided the source of information that led to a terrorist plot being thwarted in 48 of 120 cases involving Muslim Americans.
     That being said, statistics can be written to take any position the author wants!  The killing of thirty-three Americans via terrorist acts: no matter the murder rate-that's 33 deaths TOO MANY!!  Mr King is well justified in conducting his hearings.  The Congress, the intelligence community and the American public deserve to know as much as possible about those who intend us harm!!

obamaKcare Update: Waiver Count
    Will America survive the 'owe-bama Era?'  If one counts the unconstitutional 'obamaKare as a success-it's the only one in the 'owe-bama Era!!  So far, the "Clown Prince" has failed at such policies as: jobs, homeland security, foreign affairs, social security, tax, veterans, budget, economic, defense, education, energy, illegal immigration; just to name part of the list. 
    Remember all the 'princely' blather:  obamaKare will cut costs; obamaKare will insure 30 million more individuals;  obamaKare will reduce the deficit; just more Soros/obama bullshit!!  Well, the waiver count now tops 1,040-covering nearly 3,000,000 people (a large percentage are union employees)!!  The primary reason cited in the applications-employers can't afford the removal of--or increases to--annual or lifetime limits:
As of September, 2010, all group policies must provide annual benefits of not less than $750,000 per employee. That figure will rise to $1.25 million in September, 2011, $2 million in September, 2012, and after January, 2014, no annual limits will be permitted.
Oh, ya might not know this:  all these waiver applications have spawned yet ANOTHER  bureaucracy:   Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) 
....and for what reason do we need this new office--I mean beyond the growing of government; beyond growing employment rates; beyond growing obamacRAT voter numbers?!  To oversee the many changes made by ObamaKare to the private insurance market!!
Til Nex'Time....



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