Friday, March 11, 2011

This'n'That; March Eleventh [Bullying; Definition; Nuclear Bullying]

NOTHING More Important Than.... BULLYING!?!
    "Clown Prince" owe-bama continues to either ignore or avoid major upheavals, world-wide!!  With all manner of crap going on all over the place, owe-bama chose--most assuredly, at the "worst lady's" suggestion--to focus on school-yard bullying!!
    To insure he's not 'bested' by superior mental acuity, Brittany Spears was recruited to be a member of this most important campaign. Much like the 'Campaign of Fluff-Redux,' there's sure to be lots of blather and photo ops, but not much else!!  As far as the actual bullying goes, I'd like to point owe-bama toward the SEIU's "Purple-People Beaters;" toward his own Social-Justice Department; toward the UAW's "Rent-a-Mobs-as supported by Commie-Trumka, the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson, et al;" toward the owe-bama 'Organizing for America; toward the 'owebama-ite' who issued email death threats to Wisconsin republicRATs!!'  I could be wrong, but shouldn't these examples of serious bullying take precedence over a school-yard bloody nose?!?

....And I Thought I 'Coined' The Name!?!
    I recently started calling the "Boob-In-Chief" ....'owe-bama!'  Now I find that the Urban Dictionary site already had a definition of 'owe-bama.'
OwebamaA free-spending negro who uses other people's hard-earned cash as well as the earnings of their future offspring to purchase ordinarily unaffordable items.

Union Thugs Grasping At 'Nuclear Straws!'
     Let's start with a couple of definitions--
nuclear option: n. especially in politics, an action of last resort; in recent years in the U.S., an extreme method of overcoming a filibuster related to the confirmation of judicial nominees.
quorum:  the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly (a body that uses parliamentary procedure, such as a legislature) necessary to conduct the business of that group. 
     In this case, the nuclear option in Wisconsin is a mis-used phrase defining the Wisconsin legislature's adherence to the state's constitution which allows non-monetary bills to be voted upon by a simple majority.  Monetary bills are to be voted upon by a quorum.  The current bill in the Wisconsin legislature deals with 'collective bargaining,' only-no spending is in the bill!!
    Many KUDOs to Governor Walker and the legislative republicRATs in standing their ground in opposition to the union thugs, the bussed in 'rent-a-mobs,' and the 'not-so-stellar' personalities, including Trumka, the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson, even owe-bama, himself!!
[So much for owe-bama's anti-bullying campaign!!!]
    The 'not-a-reverend' Jackson is his usual litany of 'buzz-words' in supporting and promoting civil unrest among Wisconsin's 'union faithful!'  This begs two questions; (1)  Who's paying the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson for his appearance in Madison?!?  (2)  If this is not a 'not-a-reverend' Jackson paid appearance, then who or what corporation is the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson shaking down?!?
[So much for owe-bama's anti-bullying campaign!!!]
Til Nex'Time....   



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