"Clown Prince" owe-bama continues to either ignore or avoid major upheavals, world-wide!! With all manner of crap going on all over the place, owe-bama chose--most assuredly, at the "worst lady's" suggestion--to focus on school-yard bullying!!
To insure he's not 'bested' by superior mental acuity, Brittany Spears was recruited to be a member of this most important campaign. Much like the 'Campaign of Fluff-Redux,' there's sure to be lots of blather and photo ops, but not much else!! As far as the actual bullying goes, I'd like to point owe-bama toward the SEIU's "Purple-People Beaters;" toward his own Social-Justice Department; toward the UAW's "Rent-a-Mobs-as supported by Commie-Trumka, the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson, et al;" toward the owe-bama 'Organizing for America; toward the 'owebama-ite' who issued email death threats to Wisconsin republicRATs!!' I could be wrong, but shouldn't these examples of serious bullying take precedence over a school-yard bloody nose?!?
....And I Thought I 'Coined' The Name!?!
I recently started calling the "Boob-In-Chief" ....'owe-bama!' Now I find that the Urban Dictionary site already had a definition of 'owe-bama.'
Owebama: A free-spending negro who uses other people's hard-earned cash as well as the earnings of their future offspring to purchase ordinarily unaffordable items.http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Owebama
Union Thugs Grasping At 'Nuclear Straws!'
Let's start with a couple of definitions--
nuclear option: n. especially in politics, an action of last resort; in recent years in the U.S., an extreme method of overcoming a filibuster related to the confirmation of judicial nominees.In this case, the nuclear option in Wisconsin is a mis-used phrase defining the Wisconsin legislature's adherence to the state's constitution which allows non-monetary bills to be voted upon by a simple majority. Monetary bills are to be voted upon by a quorum. The current bill in the Wisconsin legislature deals with 'collective bargaining,' only-no spending is in the bill!!
quorum: the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly (a body that uses parliamentary procedure, such as a legislature) necessary to conduct the business of that group.
Many KUDOs to Governor Walker and the legislative republicRATs in standing their ground in opposition to the union thugs, the bussed in 'rent-a-mobs,' and the 'not-so-stellar' personalities, including Trumka, the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson, even owe-bama, himself!!
[So much for owe-bama's anti-bullying campaign!!!]
The 'not-a-reverend' Jackson is his usual litany of 'buzz-words' in supporting and promoting civil unrest among Wisconsin's 'union faithful!' This begs two questions; (1) Who's paying the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson for his appearance in Madison?!? (2) If this is not a 'not-a-reverend' Jackson paid appearance, then who or what corporation is the 'not-a-reverend' Jackson shaking down?!?
[So much for owe-bama's anti-bullying campaign!!!]
Til Nex'Time....
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