Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This'n'That March Twenty-Third #2; 'Big-Brother'

"Clown Prince" "Almswoman-Michelle" As The Bully!
    Remember on March the 10th, when 'Almswoman-Michelle' co-hosted the culmination of her bullying of owe-bama about bullying?!?  The end result of this symposium attended by "Junta-knownothings" as well as "citizen-know-very-littles" will be more non-teaching, non-administrative duties heaped upon America's  schoolteachers, superintendents and administrators. 
To preclude their being sued over bullying, they'll be spending an inordinate amount of time monitoring social sites like 'Facebook,' et al!!
    'Big-brother' is on the march from the District of Corruption into the far reaches of the United States.  The guidelines for bullying are so loose, if one kid "looks cross-eyed" at another; he (or she)'s bullying!!  How 'bout going back to the 1950s-60s rules: No blood-No foul!!  Let the kids be kids!!  Teaching one to stand up to the bully builds self confidence-so long as he/she doesn't become just another bully!! 
The 'almswoman symposium' would have better served all of America by focusing on maintaining and growing two-parent households!! 
Til Nex'Time....



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