Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This'n'That; March Twenty-Third #1; owe-bama Ruins

"Clown Prince" Exchanges 'Ruins'
    Cutting short the "Clown Prince's" fourteenth trip(*) of the 2011 edition of his annual 'Worldwide Apology Tour,'  the 'worst family' was forced cancel a tour of the "San Andres" Mayan Ruins near San Salvador, El Salvador.  owe-bama assured his daughters they'd tour ruins just as important to society; ruins that he's helped create!!
    In coming weeks, owe-bama intends to escort the 'worst family' to those self-created ruins, the City of Detroit!  The city may well be uninhabited by the time the 'worst family' arrives;  Detroit's 2010 census reveals the lowest number of inhabitants (713,777) since 1910 (from the height of 1,849,568-1950)!!
    The city population is primarily made up of 'General' Holder's " people...!" (81.6%).  Can anyone beside me, see any correlation here?  Living proof that LBJ's "Great Society," 'Slick-Willie' Clinton's welfare reform legislation, President Bush's Medicare, Medicaid reform, and owe-bama's "cash-for-all" domestic economic policy, just doesn't (and didn't) work!!
(*) owe-bama's fourteen trips:  (This list includes trips that are primarily "Campaign of Fluff-Redux;" paid for in part, by opposition taxpayers.)  Tucson, Az (01/12);  Albany, NY (01/21);  Cambridge, Md (01/21);  Green Bay, Wi (01/26);  University Park, Pa (02/03);  Marquette, Mi (02/10);  Baltimore, Md (02/14);  San Francisco, Ca (02/17);  Portland, Or (02/18);  Cleveland, Oh (02/22);  Bethesda, Md (02/23);  Miami, Fl (03/04);  Boston, Ma (03/08); Brasilia, Brazil, Santiago, Chile, San Salvador, El Salvador (03/18-03/22, inclusive).
Til Nex'Time....



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